Top Price 3,000gns for Limepark Ram

Date: 2nd – 3rd August 2019
Sponsor: Lamlac
Auctioneers: JP and M Doyle
Judge: Ron Grieg, Tillydesk Flock
Standing room only at Blessington Mart on Saturday as both commercial farmers and pedigree breeders flocked to the Lamlac sponsored South of Ireland Branch of the Suffolk Sheep Society’s Premier Sale. Over half the ram lambs sold on Saturday went to commercial farmers typically buying in the €400 to €900 price range. Ram lambs overall achieved an excellent 75% clearance with an average of €931.
“this has been an excellent sale showcasing the best of Irish bred suffolks. The Society has been keeping the pedigree Suffolk flock book in Ireland since 1893 with the first registered flocks in Counties Roscommon and Derry and our members are still to the fore. The success of today’s sale demonstrates that Suffolks are not only number one for finishing and taste, they are also a major player in the commercial sheep world. We have seen today that registered suffolk lambs are not only attractive to the pedigree breeder, but also to the commercial farmer and even into mainland Europe with lambs bought at Blessington going to Belgium and France”
Suffolk Sheep Society Chief Executive Robin McIlrath
Patrick O’Connor (Co Kerry) paid the top price of €3150 for Philip Byrne’s (Co Kilkenny) Burnview One for Arthur sired ram lamb (TJW:19:00013)out of a Shannagh Knockout sired Annakisha dam. Click here to view pedigree. The dam’s maternal sister bred the 2018 female Champion and Supreme Champion of the Year.
The hammer fell to B Fenton (Co Wicklow) €2940 for Ronan McLaughlin’s (Co Donegal) Novice Class winner (UPX:19:00024). Sired by Limestone Aston Martin (purchased for 40,000gns at Stirling in 2018), this lamb is out of the Ballynacannon gimmer purchased for 9500gns in 2018.
P J Howard paid €2730 for Young Donegal breeder Darragh McMenamin’s Rookery Rodeo sired lot 113 (UJU:19:01440) out of a Cairness Cyclone sired Lakeview dam. For the same money, Northern Ireland breeder Adam Porter (Maghera) purchased Gerry Killilea’s (Co Galway) Lakeview Harbinger sired lamb out of a Newwells dam.
Ballymena breeder R H Barclay bought Richard Wilson’s (Donegal) Supreme Champion (78A:19:06468) for €2310 and Belgium breeder F Collard paid €2625 for the Open Ram Lamb Class Reserve (78A:19:06468). Three ram lambs went for €2310, Andrew Smith from Co Cavan bought Andrew Lucas’s (Co Donegal) lot 49. O & G Deane (Co Kildare) also bought a Lucas ram lamb (lot 126) at the same money for their Mountford flock. The third at €2310 was Susan O’Keeffe’s Recorded Class 1st Place ram lamb (lot 124) which went North to W and S Tait (Co Tyrone).
The three top pen averages were R Wilson (Co Donegal) with €1300 with 5 sheep through the ring, E Duffy (Co Meath) with €1062 for 8 sheep and S O’Keeffe (Co Cork) with €1058 for 8 sheep.
Top female price was K Bailey’s (Co Roscommon) reserve female champion ewe lamb (HDC:19:00075) going to James Cuffe’s pedigree Inbhear flock in Co Mayo for €1470. Colin Watchorn paid €1207 for J and E Gahan’s ewe lamb (Co Wicklow) to add to his Irish Flock of the Year Beechbrook flock. Colin’s flock viewing day is Saturday (10th August) at 4:40pm at his farm in Newcastle, Co Wicklow.
Male and Supreme Champion
Lot 65 R Wilson
78A:19:06468 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
Reserve Male and Overall Reserve Champion
Lot 61 A O’Keeffe
R15:19:05248 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
Female Champion
Lot 4 J Durcan
PXA:18:00188 by Malinhead Gold
Reserve Female Champion
Lot 28 K Bailey
HDC:19:00075 by Cairness Foremost
Class 1 Single Shearling Ewe
1 Lot 4 J Durcan
PXA:18:00188 by Malinhead Gold
2 Lot 11 J&E Gahan
SKW:18:00494 by Malinhead Gold
3 Lot 1 M O’Connell
DBJ:18:02051 by Ballygarvanstud Bullseye
Class 2 Single Ewe Lamb
1 Lot 28 K Bailey
HDC:19:00075 by Cairness Foremost
2 Lot 20 M O’Connell
DBJ:19:02102 by Shannagh Synergy
3 Lot 24 J and E Gahan
SKW:19:00515 by Limestone Aston Martin
Class 3 Shearling Ram
1 Lot 32 D Quinlan
UHZ:18:01485 by Monefelim Major
Class 4 Ram Lamb Sired by a SOI Bred Ram
1 Lot 123 S O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02113 by Castleisle Golden Miller
2 Lot 43 S O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02115 by Castleisle Golden Miller
3 Lot 115 A Wilson
DDX:19:01150 by Limepark Las Vegas
Class 5 Recorded Ram Lamb Class
1 Lot 124 S O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02125 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
2 Lot 81 J Doherty
CFN:19:02857 by Rookery Ace Of Hearts
3 Lot 122 S O’Keeffe
BYD:19:02099 by Burnview One For Arthur
Class 6 Novice Ram Lamb
1 Lot 98 R McLaughlin
UPX:19:00024 by Limestone Aston Martin
2 Lot 113 D McMenamin
UJU:19:01450 by Mullanboy Thunder Bolt
3 Lot 76 R Thompson
TDL:19:02640 by Limepark Las Vegas
Class 7 Open Ram Lamb
1 Lot 61 A O’Keeffe
R15:19:05248 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
2 Lot 66 R Wilson
78A:19:06470 by Limestone Aston Martin
3 Lot 58 P O’Keeffe
NBK:19:05940 by Burnview One For Arthur
Class 8 Giggot Class
1 Lot 65 R Wilson
78A:19:06468 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
2 Lot 41 S’OKeeffe
BYD:19:02137 by Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic
3 Lot 38 E Duffy
C46:19:02846 by Limestone Aston Martin
Class 9 Pen Of Three
1 Lots 124, 43, 41 S O’keeffe
BYD:19:02125, BYD:19:02115, BYD:19:02137
2 Lots 65, 66, 67 R Wilson
78A:19:06468, 78A:19:06470, 78A:19:06471
3 Lots 49, 130, 47 AandJ Lucas
DWT:19:01147, DWT:19:01121, DWT:19:01146
Lot 65 78A:19:06468 by Strathbogie a Kind of Magic from R Wilson Male and Supreme Champion sold for 2,200gns Lot 66 78A:19:06470 by Limestone Aston Martin from J and R Wilson sold for 2,500gns Lot 98 UPX:19:00024 by Limestone Aston Martin 2,800gns from the McLaughlin family Lot 113 UJU:19:01450 by Mullanboy Thunder Bolt from Darragh McMenamin sold for 2,600gns Lot 53 TJW:19:00013 by Burnview One for Arthur with top price 3,000gns from P Byrne