Date: Saturday 28th September 2024

Judge: Dennis Taylor, Ballynacannon Flock

Sponsor: Norbrook

The 2024 view day and presentation of awards was hosted at the home of Daffyd Jones and family of the Frongoy flock, recipient of the Bristol Gold Cup amongst other accolades. What a day they put on too!

Starting off on Tuesday, the sheep were put out of the shed, it was cleared, steam cleaned and sorted out to welcome well over 100 guests that attending on Saturday. There was a cool breeze on the day but it was dry, which was very welcome at Frongoy as the farm is very open to the elements as Daffyd puts it, and that is probably a bit of an understatement!  On arrival the team of family bakers offered cakes, tea and coffee to all.  There was enough to feed 1000 but from arrival the welcome was warm and inviting, hats off to all who contributed.

Award presentation was first on the agenda and in true fashion we ran a little behind the published schedule as the attendees just kept arriving and there was no pressure on the clock. The presentation of the awards was ably handled by the 2024 competition judge, Dennis Taylor, Ballynacannon Flock, Macosquin, Northern Ireland. He was assisted by Society President, Pat Machray of Middlemuir flock in Aberdeenshire who travelled all the way to west Wales to attend the event.

CEO Barrie Turner, Society President Pat Machray and National Flock Competition judge Dennis Taylor

The judge started the proceedings with a summary of the 2024 competition and congratulating all who took part. The task had taken him to parts of our geographical territory that he would otherwise not have visited and saw flocks of sheep that were a credit to the breeders. He was accompanied by his son Noah who navigated round the tour and had a great experience seeing the flocks and different breeders who had entered the competition and eagerly took it all in for later reference. Dennis thanked everyone for making him and Noah so welcome during their road trip and also the Society for appointing him with the honour of judging the 2024 competition, an experience he would gladly undertake again.  The presentation of trophies and certificates of merit went without incident and the enthusiastic audience showed their appreciation for each winner as they came up to accept their awards.

The presentation of the Bristol Gold Cup to overall winner Daffyd Jones was the last to be awarded and the cheer of the day went with that. As far as we can establish this is the first flock in Wales to be awarded the Bristol Gold Cup (Unless anyone can tell us different!).  

Daffyd then said few words and gave the history of the family, their horse breeding enterprise and to the appreciation of the audience a run down of the Frongoy journey into Suffolk sheep. His first few Suffolk purchases established the foundation of his stock, along with some stock rams that were purchased economically. This demonstrates that perhaps you don’t have to spend a fortune to establish a flock, but by carefully choosing good family lines you can breed your own flock and put your own stamp on the Suffolk sheep you produce.

Daffyd also thanked his partner Hannah who had worked tirelessly along with the other members of the family to add the finishing touches to the shed! He also thanked her for putting up with his Suffolk sheep obsession throughout the years, which at certain times stretches the patience!  Pat Machray then offered his personal congratulations to Daffyd and family for putting on a fantastic day and a proper west Wales welcome to all who attended.  On behalf of the Society, Pat thanked the many helpers and bakers who had contributed to the day and rounded off by presenting Hannah with a bouquet of flowers from the Society in recognition of her efforts.

After the formalities concluded, there was a walk around the winning flock which was the reward for many.  The sheep on show were outstanding and everyone appreciated why the judge had made the decision to award overall champion for 2024 to Frongoy. 

On returning to the shed the barbeque had been struck up by the caterers with locally sourced beef burgers which were outstanding. Lunch was served and the smell of burgers, onions and all the accompaniments filled the air and was eagerly taken up by the visitors from all corners of the Society. Everyone made the most of the opportunity to catch up with people that they hadn’t seen for a while and a happy noise ensued during the enjoyable and sociable afternoon.

I am sure everyone who attended would agree with the outcome of this year’s competition.  Daffyd and family were fantastic hosts and the effort that had been put into the day was there for all to see.

Barrie Turner, CEO



Overall Winner: Dafydd G Jones, Ceredigion (Frongoy Flock)

Overall Reserve: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Bristol Gold Cup being presented to DG Jones & family by judge Dennis Taylor

Suffolk Sheep Society Cup (0 – 15 Ewes)

Winner: Claire Whitticase, Shropshire, (Glanmarton Flock)

Reserve: Howard Shone, Surrey, (Meathgreen Flock)

Suffolk Sheep Society Cup C Whitticase & Son

John Long Cup (16 – 30 Ewes)

Winner: Stewart Duncan, Banffshire, (Pennan Flock)

Reserve: Lucy & Keira Greaney, Monmouthshire, (Claddagh Flock)

Certificate of Merit:    JR & JA Irving, Carlisle, (Glenreiver Flock)

                                    Kate Crossley, Yorkshire, (Cobclough Flock)

John Long Cup winner S Duncan, Pennan Flock

W E Lloyd Cup (31 – 60 Ewes)

Winner: Dafydd G Jones, Ceredigion (Frongoy Flock)

Reserve: Philip Poole, Shropshire, (Salopian Flock)

Certificate of Merit:    Clive Dowson, Yorkshire (Castlegrove Flock)

                                    DP & RA Delves, Powys (Bridgeview Flock)

WE Lloyd Cup Winner DG Jones

Keeble Cup (61-100 Ewes)

Winner: Mrs RH Goldie, Ayrshire (Harpercroft Flock)

Reserve: RK Denby, Cumbria, (Carnforth Flock)

Keeble Cup Winner Mrs RH Goldie, Harpercroft Flock

Brook Perpetual Challenge Cup (101+ Ewes)

Winner: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Brook Perpetual Cup winner Sharps Flock

The Howard Peel Cup (Best Stud Rams)

Winner: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Reserve: Dafydd G Jones, Ceredigion (Frongoy Flock)

Certificate of Merit:    Mrs RH Goldie, Ayrshire (Harpercroft Flock)

                                    Philip Poole, Shropshire, (Salopian Flock)

Howard Peel Cup winner Sharps Flock

The Sainsbury Cup (Best Ewe Lambs)

Winner: Dafydd G Jones, Ceredigion (Frongoy Flock)

Reserve: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Certificate of Merit:    Mrs RH Goldie, Ayrshire (Harpercroft Flock)

                                    Philip Poole, Shropshire, (Salopian Flock)

Sainsbury Cup winner DG Jones

The Bonnington Cup (Best Flock of Ewes)

Winner: Dafydd G Jones, Ceredigion (Frongoy Flock)

Reserve: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Bonnington Cup winner DG Jones

Progeny Group

Winner: Jed Sharp, Worcestershire, (Sharps Flock)

Reserve: Mrs RH Goldie, Ayrshire (Harpercroft Flock)

Progeny Group Winner Sharps Flock