Page 115 - Yearbook 2019
P. 115
Club reports Averages Obituaries
South of Ireland
West of Ireland Flock Sale Entry No Sold Top gns Average Windfield Flock, JRZ
Established 1996
Limestone S 4 3 40000 16600 April 2018
Strathbogie S 6 3 22000 8466 TONY TAIT
018 was a challenging year in every 2018 Farm to Fork“ run by Teagasc of judge. His choice on the day for champion Forkins S 5 5 20000 6800
way with weather conditions not Athenry. This event was a great shop was the winner of the ram lamb open class Ballykeel Flock, 15H
2very favourable for the breeder. window to show case Suffolks and the high which came from the Benwiskin flock with Birness S 8 8 30000 6250 Established 1973
Lambing time proved difficult with stock standard of Suffolk’s that are available from the first prize winner in the Reordered class Strathbogie N 5 5 11000 4720
having to be housed for longer than our members here in the West of Ireland. taking reserve champion from Priorview January 2019
normal and with delays getting stock out Kennith Baileys aged ewe was champion flock. Rookery S 4 4 10000 4625 THOMSON GRAY
to grass. with Mattie and Kevin Kelly’s ram lamb as Our final show and sale for 2018 was also Cairness S 8 5 20000 4390
The first outing for the Suffolk reserve. Congratulations both. in Roscommon and with a large entry. John Langside Flock, 60L
Sheep Society was the National Sheep The south of Ireland premier was held Doherty from Malinhead Donegal choose Limestone N 6 5 6500 3540 Established 1975
Championships which was this year in once again in Roscrea and once again the the first place open ram class winner from Burnview S 9 6 10000 3300
Kilkenny as part of the NSA on June 9th. west was well represented in the line-up Benwiskin Suffolk’s as champion with February 2019
I would like to congratulate our members for rosettes. I would like to congratulate all Mattie and Kevin Kelly Summerhill Suffolk’s Castleisle S 5 5 7000 3100
Coote Geelan, Kennith Bailey and Garth members who took part. Galway taking reserve champion with their Ballynacannon S 5 3 6500 2666 THOMAS (TOMMY) M WILSON
Graham who were among the prize winners. The 2018 sales opened with the West’s first prize winner in the recorded class. Triplehill Flock, HPD
The calendar for the club opened premier show and sale in Roscommon Congratulations to all who took part in Stockton N 12 10 15500 2515 Established 1993
this year on 7th July with the Club in early August. Johnathan Lucas from our shows this year and look forward to Birness N 6 6 9000 2475
Championships being held at the “Sheep Killygorden, Donegal was the appointed seeing you all back in 2019.
Crewelands N 7 3 5000 2150
Sitlow C 4 4 2800 2125
Stonehills C 3 3 3500 2066 WE COVER SMALL FARMS,
Balquhain S 3 3 4200 1966 LARGE FARMS AND
Lakeview S 5 4 2800 1850 EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN
Williamsgill N 3 3 4200 1826 The UK’s leading rural insurer
Frongoy N 5 5 2500 1770
At NFU Mutual we offer tailored insurance and a local
Rhaeadr S 7 4 5000 1770 service. We cover all farms from sheep and poultry to arable
and horticulture.
Crewelands S 7 7 3000 1614
Contact your local Agent today and find out more:
Lakeview N 10 6 4000 1583
Rookery N 4 3 3500 1483
Muirton S 4 3 2800 1416
Forkins B 5 3 1700 1266
Burnview N 9 4 2200 1262
Solwaybank S 7 6 7350 1225
Rhaeadr N 12 9 5000 1163
Landale C 5 3 2000 1100
Sitlow N 6 5 2000 1080
Ram Lambs: Minimum 3 sold: Exchange Rate £1.00 = €1.10 The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society limited (No. 111982). Registered in a. Registered Office:
N=National; B=Ballymena; C = Carlisle; R = Roscrea; S = Stirling Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation
Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
114 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 115