Page 122 - Yearbook 2019
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Recipes                                                                                                                                                                                                                Recipes

                                                                                                                              AUTUMN                                                    WINTER
                                                                                                                              Autumn Lamb Pasty                                         Lamb Hotpot
       Recipes for all seasons                                                                                                Inspired by the Cornish pasty, this fruity lamb combination makes an   This hotpot was inspired by the traditional Lancashire hotpot,

                                                                                                                                                                                        which is made with lamb chops, root vegetables, thyme and a
                                                                                                                              excellent snack or lunch.

                                                                                                                                                                                        more convenient.
                                                                                                                              Prep – 10 mins          Cooking time – 1 hour             sliced potato topping. Our hotpot uses mince, which is slightly
       Something’s Stewing in the Eastern Suffolk Sheep Club                                                                  Serves 6                                                  Prep – 10 mins          Cooking time – 1½ hours
                                                                                                                              INGREDIENTS                                               Serves 4
           ack in May 2018 the office was approached by Chris                                                                 450g/1lb lean Suffolk lamb neck fillet, cubed
           Partridge and Martyn Bateman (Chair and Secretary of the                                                           1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and finely diced           INGREDIENTS
      BEastern Suffolk Club) about producing a “Recipe for All                                                                1 eating apple, peeled, cored and diced                   450g / 1lb lean Suffolk lamb mince
       Seasons” leaflet.                                                                                                      1 red onion, peeled, and finely chopped                   100g / 4oz mushrooms, sliced
        The club had thought through and planned an excellent leaflet                                                         1 small potato, peeled, and finely diced                  450ml / ¾pint good, hot lamb stock
       for promoting lamb as a central ingredient with four dishes                                                            1 stock cube                                              30ml / 2tbsp gravy granules
       covering Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The leaflet has                                                            15ml / 1tbsp cider or water                               15ml / 1tbsp fresh thyme leaves
       proven very successful, not only in the East of England but is now                                                     15ml / 1tbsp fresh tarragon                               Salt and freshly milled black pepper
       an integral part of the Society stand used at large events. The                                                        Salt and freshly milled black pepper                      2 leeks, finely sliced
       “Recipes for All Seasons” are:                                                                                         450g / 1lb shortcrust pastry                              50g / 2oz Lancashire cheese, grated
                                                                                                                              1 small egg, beaten                                       675g / 1½lb potatoes, peeled and sliced
       SPRING                                                                                                                 30ml / 2tbsp milk                                         Melted butter
       Lamb and Barley Risotto
       A simple to prepare alternative to a traditional rice risotto.                                                         METHOD                                                    METHOD
                                                                                                                              1.  Preheat the oven to Gas mark 4-5, 180-190°C, 350-375°F.  1.  In a non-stick pan dry fry the mince with the mushrooms for
       Prep – 10 Mins          Cooking time – 1 hour 10 mins  SUMMER                                                          2.  Place the lamb in a bowl, add the apples, red onion, potato and stir   4-5 minutes until browned. Add the stock, gravy granules
       Serves 4                                               Garlic and Mustard Marinated Steaks                               well together. Crumble over the stock cube and cider or cold water,   and fresh thyme and cook for further 2-3 minutes until
                                                              Lean, boneless lamb leg steaks marianted in apple juice, garlic,   fresh tarragon and seasoning. Mix well.                  thickened. Season and transfer to an ovenproof casserole
       INGREDIENTS                                            mustard and seasoning. Perfect mid-week meal cooked on the      3.  Divide the pastry into 6 and shape into balls. Roll out each ball on a   dish.
       450g / 1lb lean boneless shoulder of Suffolk lamb cut into 2.5cm /   barbecue or under the grill. Serve with a red pepper, rocket and   floured surface and cut out 18cm circles. Divide the filling between   2.  Preheat the oven to Gas mark 4-5, 180-190°C, 350-375°F.
       2inch cubes                                            potato salad.                                                     the circles, placing it in the centre. Mix the egg and milk together   3.  Cover the mince with the leeks and cheese. Layer over the
       Salt and freshly milled black pepper                                                                                     and brush the edges of each pastry circle, bring the edges of the   potatoes brush with melted butter. Cover with foil and cook
       15ml / 1tbsp ground cumin                              Prep – 10 mins          Cooking time – 20 mins                    pastry together and press firmly. Fold edges over and crimp. Place on   in preheated oven for 1½ hours, uncover for the last 30
       10ml / 2tsp ground turmeric                            Serves 2                                                          a greased baking sheet and brush with egg wash. Bake for 1 hour.  minutes to allow the potatoes to brown.
       15ml / 1tbsp sunflower oil                                                                                             4.  Serve with a fruit chutney and a pint of local cider or a mug of tea!  4.  Serve with pickled red cabbage or extra seasonal vegetables.
       1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped               INGREDIENTS
       1 large garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped        2x 150g / 5oz lean boneless Suffolk lamb leg steaks
       200ml / 7floz reduced fat coconut milk                 For the Marinade:
       200g / 7oz pearl barley                                1 large garlic clove, peeled and finely chopped
       850ml / 1½ pint good, hot vegetable stock              30ml / 2tbsp fresh apple juice
       100g / 4oz green peas                                  10ml / 2tsp Wholegrain or Dijon mustard
       Large bunch freshly chopped mint                       30ml / 2tbsp rapeseed or olive oil
                                                              Salt and freshly milled black pepper
       1.  Place the lamb in a large bowl, season and coat in the spices.  METHOD
       2.  Heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the lamb for 4-5   1.  In a shallow dish mix all the marinade ingredients together. Add
         minutes until brown. Transfer to a 1.7L/3pint casserole dish.  the steaks and coat on both sides. Cover and refrigerate for 20
       3.  Add the onion and garlic to the frying pan and cook for 2-3   minutes or if time allows, overnight.
         minutes until soft but not brown. Transfer to the casserole dish.  2.  Remove the steaks from the fridge at least 20 minutes before
       4.  Add the pearl barley, coconut milk, stock and seasoning. Bring   cooking to bring up to room temperature.
         to the boil, reduce the heat, cover and cook on the hob for 55   3.  Cook on a prepared barbecue or preheated moderate grill for
         minutes, stirring once.                                6-8 minutes on each side, or until the meat juices run clear.
       5.  Add the peas and cook for a further 5 minutes.     4.  Serve with green beans and a red pepper, rocket and potato
       6. Garnish with the mint and serve immediately with crusty bread.  salad with mustard mayonnaise.

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