Page 72 - Yearbook 2019
P. 72
Branch reports
England 26 Saturday
Northern Counties October
By Michael Armstrong, Secretary
he Northern Counties appear to have had a quieter year was sold to the winner of last years area flock competition Tim A NEW DRAFT SALE OF FEMALES FROM SOME DRAFT SALE OF FEMALES FROM SOME
in 2018. The weather as per usual has impacted on all Robinson’s ‘Crusoe’ flock. OF THE TOP BLOODLINES IN THE COUNTRY
Taspects of farming both in our region and throughout the
rest of the UK. Area sale
A very big thank you to all that supported our area sale at Carlisle;
National Flock competition again we had a similar entry to previous years. The sale average
This was held early 2018 and congratulations go to our area showed that the 62 ram lambs sold averaged £704 which was up STOCK RAMS USED
member and chairman Jimmy Irving, with his ‘Glenreiver’ flock £57 on the year for the same number sold. In the show prior to the
being awarded reserve in the ‘Suffolk Society Cup’ for flocks sale congratulations go to our area member Liz Needham with her
comprising between 5 and 15 ewes. ewe lamb that was awarded first prize in its class, Champion Female • Bridgeview • Lakeview • Rhaeadr
and Reserve Overall Champion. It was later sold for 1,150gns • Dol-llys • Salopian
Summer and winter shows The Denis Midgely Memorial Trophy for the highest priced animal • Frongoy • Lavenham • Solwaybank
Again, I would like to thank all the area members that made the from an area member went to Pamela Lupton’s ram lamb that • Perrinpit
time to show their Suffolks at the many local and National shows. realised 1,600gns. • Harley • Wharfe
The largest show within our area is the Great Yorkshire. As usual
there was a tremendous line-up of Suffolk sheep on show. The area Area Flock competition
members that did particularly well; were Pamela Lupton with her Unfortunately, this year’s competition had to be cancelled due
homebred shearling ram that went on to become reserve breed to the lack of entries. The committee would like to emphasise how
champion. Also doing well was Geoff Richmond with a homebred easy it is to enter the flock competition. The flocks that generally
Aged Ewe that went on to become Reserve Champion Female. enter, just present their sheep to the judge in their natural condition;
Our committee again organised nibbles and drinks that took therefore there is no need to wash, trim and dip. There are several
place immediately after the judging, a special thank you to Mark classes that you can enter depending on the size of your flock. There
Bulmer and Marion Denby for organising the hospitality. are also classes for your ewe lambs and a class for your stock ram.
During the gathering, the Jack Bulmer Trophy for the ‘Best We know it may appear a little daunting if you were to win the 24,000GNS
Presented Sheep Shown In Their Pens’, was awarded to Pamela overall competition and have to arrange a view day. Naturally to win 26,000GNS
Lupton’s ‘Kexbeck’ flock and the Richard Bulmer Trophy for the overall, you will probably need to enter all three classes. We wish to Solwaybank Rock Solid Pyeston Legacy purchased by
Lavenham flock
winning ‘Group of Three’ was awarded to Geoff Richmond’s encourage people to enter the competition – perhaps just your ewe
’Sullom’ flock. lambs, or just your flock ewes to get started!
The judges that we select are all very friendly and are more than
National sale willing to answer any of your questions. Hopefully we will have
Well done to Glynis and Jane Soulsby ‘Williamsgill’ flock who’s many more entries for the 2019 event!
ram lamb was listed in the leading prices at 4,200gns. This lamb
Borderway Agri Expo
› First prize aged ewe Suffolks at Carlisle on August 3rd 2018 The society provided a stand for the event on Friday 2nd
November. Thank you to the committee members that manned
the stand along with the Society Chief Executive Robin McIlrath.
Keeping in with the Society theme, we concentrated on the
commercial side of the Suffolk breed. The sheep on display created 22,000GNS 12,000GNS
a lot of interest. These were Suffolk X Texel lambs provided by Strathbogie Stradivarius Strathbogie Star Man
Keith Denby.
As mentioned last year, please make a note in your diary for
this event as it is a tremendous ‘shop window’ for showing the
many commercial farmers in attendance what a Suffolk sheep can
actually produce. Shrewsbury Market
Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3DR
72 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019