Page 5 - Commercial Suffolks 2019
P. 5
From previous page these lambs were only 8-10 weeks old. The
lambs are away averaging well over £100,
Hans flock alongside later purchases from really pleased! Will be buying more Suffolk
Robert Neil’s Rosiebank flock. Stock rams tups direct from farm this year again.”
have been selected very carefully over the
years with the biggest influences being Flock successes over the years have
Bentley Fly Half, Spotsmains Kelso and included being Reserve champion at the
Langside Premier. The Ingrams select their Royal Welsh show last year and then going
best ram lamb each year and this is very on to being part of the winning interbreed
heavily used in their own flocks. pair. A Logie Durno ram was also reserve
male champion at the Highland show. Mr
Gregor Ingram said “our approach to Ingram said “We have taken great pride
breeding Suffolks has been very much in selling rams privately this year to both
commercial with the ewes lambed in Capielaw and Roxburgh Mains, as well as
February, getting the ewes and lambs semen to the Sitlow flock who have received
outside at a week old. We have succeeded prices of up to 3,000gns for sons of Logie
in breeding a Suffolk which is long, clean Durno Sonny Bill.”
and full of flesh throughout the top line
and hind quarters with a good covering of Going forward, the Logie Durno aim is
fat. We have raised our fat levels over the to carry on increasing the number of
years which we think is vital to keeping a commercial Suffolk rams for sale, and
healthy flock and producing rams from also to sell the very best rams to other
grass. Another unique part of our breeding pedigree flocks. The Logie Durno vision
has been to cull any sheep with excessively is for Suffolks to continue to deliver as the
heavy bone and heads as we have found leading domestic terminal sire, a functional
sheep with great growth, fleshing and a
“We have succeeded they don’t milk as well, and the rams look nice sized silky head to breed both prime
poor from grass.”
lambs and breeding females. The Ingrams
in breeding a Suffolk Performance recording has been a big see a fantastic future for the breed and think
it’s a great choice for commercial farmers
feature of Logie Durno breeding and
the Ingrams use the results extensively who want to produce abattoir lambs and
which is long, clean and when customers are selecting rams. Their replacement ewes. ■
breeding programme is aimed at producing
full of flesh throughout a good looking sheep as well as one with
high figures and they are now at the stage
where their best sheep are both high index
the top line and hind and attractive aesthetically. They regularly
have lambs up at 70kg with 40mm + muscle
at backfat scanning time run on a relatively
quarters with a good commercial system.
covering of fat” Owen Morgan (Brecon), one of Logie
Durno’s newer customers said “I used
Suffolk tups last year from Logie Durno for
Gregor Ingram the first time alongside other terminal sires.
The Suffolk x lambs have outperformed
everything else. We were picking out lambs
at 38kg and they were killing out up to 52%,