Page 50 - Yearbook 2020
P. 50

Ram sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ›   Reserve Champion
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ring 8: Shearling Ram
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lot 2972 from Messrs
       Kelso Show and Sale                                                                                                                                                                                Gray & Son

       12th September 2019

       Judge: Peter Derryman
       Sponsor: Harbro                                                                                                        ›   Lot 2799 Shearling sold for £4,000 from Fiona Wight  ›   Lot 2951 Shearling sold for £4,500 from Peter Gray

             s the leading domestic terminal sire breed in the UK and   highest price in the Shearling ring with her ram getting £4,000 and   more evidence of the role Suffolks play in the Commercial world.”  Flock). Lilburn Estates (Roseden Flock) was runner up in the Ram
             Ireland, the Suffolk breed has dominated the ram lamb   selling her pen of 14 with an average of £1,014. The MV registered   There is always confusion to rings being classified as   Lamb Class and in the Shearling Class E A & L Jackson (Rugley
       Arings at Kelso in recent years and 2019 continued that   shearlings in ring 8 cleared 208 sheep with an average of £789,   “Registered” or “Non Registered”. This is not an indication   Flock) lifted the Reserve ticket. The results were:
       trend.                                                 up £92 on 2018. Ring 14, which is for non MV accredited Suffolks,   of Society membership, it simply relates to the Maedi Visna   Lamb Class
        Suffolks accounted for 48% of all lamb sales. Top price for any   sold 411 shearlings at an average of £636. Society members selling   Accreditation scheme. Registered rings refer to a ring where all   1st   S Buckley (Sitlow) Lot 3560
       ram lamb at Kelso on the day was S Lathangie (Pyeston) getting   through the non-accredited ring 14 sold 74 shearlings for an   vendors must be in the MV scheme and Non Registered refers to a   2nd   Lilburn Estates (Roseden) Lot 3651
       £6,000, sold to Lancashire breeder L J Berry. Next was Stephen   average of £796 with J Elliott (Roxburgh Mains) getting an average   ring were breeders sell sheep that are not required to be in the MV   3rd   W & H Fleming (Hallhill) Lot 3483
       Buckley’s Champion getting £4,000 for his Sitlow ram lamb, the   of £953 for his pen of 35.                            scheme. Some members choose to sell their accredited sheep in the
       second top price for any lamb this year. Other notable sales in the   Suffolk Sheep Society Chief Executive Robin McIlrath said “it   non-registered ring.                    Shearling Class
       Ram Lamb ring were R H Black (Collessie flock) and S & G Brown   has been a really good sale this year for the ram lamb ring. Once                                            1st   Messrs A Gray & Son (Langside) Lot 2972
       (Capielaw Flock) getting £2,500 and £2,100 respectively. 250 lambs   again Suffolks dominate with the  two top prices of £6,000 for all   Show                                2nd   E A & L Jackson (Rugley) Lot 2825
       were sold this year, an 18% increase on 2018 with an average of   lamb sold and with Suffolks accounting for nearly 50% of all ram   Once again, there was considerable interest in the Harbro   3rd   S & H Illingworth (Glenrock) Lot 2865
       £476. Stephen Buckley (Sitlow) achieved the top average of £1197   lamb sales at Kelso. Although there were less Shearlings through   Sponsored Suffolk Pedigree Show held on the eve of the sale. Judge
       selling six rams with a top price of £4,000. Stewart Lathangie   the accredited ring this year the average was up by £92.” He went   Peter Derryman (Mount Pleasant Farm, Devon) had a challenge   Breed Champion
       (Pyeston) was hot on his tails with eight ram lambs sold at an   on to say “the Kelso sale is used by many as a benchmark for the   picking the winners with some excellent stock brought forward in
       average of £1,127 and a top price of £6,000.           commercial trade and we are delighted with this year’s trade –   both the Shearling and Lamb classes. Congratulations to Stephen   S Buckley (Sitlow) Lot 3560
        Peter Gray (Scrogton) was the top performer in Ring 8 (MV   lambs dominated with an increase on the number of lambs sold,   and Louise Buckley (Sitlow Flock) for winning the Breed Champion   Reserve Breed Champion
       accredited Shearlings), clearing 12 sheep at an average of £1,404   the top 2 prices at the sale and nearly 50% of the overall lamb   with a Ram Lamb (Lot 3560). The  Reserve Champion from Ring
       with a top price of £4,500. Fiona Wight (Wights) had the second   trade. With shearlings increasing their average by over £90, this is   8 was Messrs A Gray & Son’s Shearling Ram Lot 2972 (Langside   Messrs A Gray & Son (Langside) Lot 2972

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Continued on next page >>

                                                                                                                                ›   Champion Ring 10: Suffolk Ram Lamb Lot 3560 from S Buckley Sitlow

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