Page 58 - Yearbook 2020
P. 58

Female sales                                                                                                                                                                                                 Female sales

       Burnview                                                                                                                            BURNVIEW

       Bonanza Sale                                                                                                                          SUFFOLKS

       Auctioneer: Lawrie & Symington

                                                                                                                                 Established                             S & W Tait                            Flock Number
                                                               ›  £4,000
                                                                                                                                       1986                                                                           T86

           he Burnview and Crewelands Bonanza female sale held on   Castlewood gimmers sold to a top of 1,500gns for Martin and
           Saturday 2nd November 2019 at Stephen Sufferin’s farm   Eoin Butler with Islandmoyle and Beechcrest selling gimmers
       Tproved to be an outstanding success. With buyers from GB,  to 1,000gns each. Top price from Bannview was 1,200gns for a                   Top females sold annually at Borderway Beauties,
       Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Holland and France keen to   Burnview Gin & Tonic ewe sold to Holland. Rookery Ringmaster
       acquire the top genetics, trade resulted in an overall clearance   was the sire of the top Carony ewe lamb selling at 1,500gns.               the Bonanza Female and The 3 Nations Sales
       of 96% and an average of £1,050 for 95 sold.
        Topping the trade was Lot 9 from Burnview a maternal sister to   GIMMERS
       the 10,000gns Bombay Sapphire she sold to Liam Brown (Highway)   Crewelands   22 sold to average £677   Top 3,000gns
       for 5,800gns following close behind also from Burnview was Lot   Burnview   16 sold to average £1,595   Top 5,800gns
       17 Strathbogie I’m Invincible gimmer in lamb to Clyda President,   Ballynacannon   6 sold to average £1,023   Top 2,800gns
       she sold for 5,500gns to Darragh McMenamin (Mullanvale). Next   Beechcrest   3 sold to average £833   Top 1,000gns
       highest price and topping the flock ewes was Crewelands lead ewe,  Islandmoyle   6 sold to average £623   Top 1,000gns
       a Birness Brando ewe who was the gdam of the 26,000gns Stirling   Benedyglen   6 sold to average £1,112   Top 2,000gns
       Champion. She sold for 4,000gns to Daman Brown (Loughbeg).  Bannview   4 sold to average £657   Top 800gns
        Top price ewe lamb was Lot 93 from Burnview. She sold for   Castlewood   4 sold to average £822   Top 1,500gns
       3,800gns to young Caolan McNally (Benedyglen) with two others
       from the same flock selling at 2,000gns apiece to Mary Julia   FLOCK EWES
       Cornish and Jimmy Screen.                              Bannview       2 sold to average£788   Top 1,200gns
        Crewelands sold their top priced gimmer for 3,000gns, she was   Ballynacannon   3 sold to average £490   Top 700gns
       by Ballynacannon Booty Hunter and in lamb to 10,000gns Birness   Burnview   6 sold to average £896   Top 2,100gns             Burnview gimmer sold              7,500gns 3rd prize Single
       Hustler. This one went to Belgium.                     Crewelands     5 sold to average £1,388   Top 4,000gns                for 5,800gns to Highway           sold at Stirling to Windfield
                                                                                                                                        at the Bonanza
        Leading price in the Ballynacannon pen was 2,800gns. She sold
       to Portugal in lamb to 43,000gns Mozza.                EWE LAMBS
        Michael McNally’s Benedyglen consignment enjoyed a steady   Burnview   6 sold to average £1,741   Top 3,800gns
       trade and produced the second top average for gimmers selling to   Caroney   3 sold to average £1,120   Top 1,500gns
       2,000gns to Limestone.                                 Ballynacannon   4 sold to average £656   Top 1,200gns

        ›   Lot 9 top priced gimmer from                     ›  Lot 93 top priced ewe lamb
        Burnview sold for 5,800gns                           from Burnview sold for 3,800gns

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Burnview gimmer sold at
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bonanza to Mullanvale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for 5,500gns

                                                                                                                                    Reserve Champion sold          Clyda President – new stock ram
                                                                                                                                    at National for 6,600gns         purchased at Blessington as a
                                                                                                                                         to Mullanvale               young lamb. His first progeny
                                                                                                                                                                       show exceptional promise

                                                                                                                                                         Contact William Mobile 07833968417
                                                                                                                                                                          @Burnview Suffolks
        58  Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020

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