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Female sales                                                                                Female sales

 Western Wonders  All Star

 9th November 2019  30th November 2019

 Auctioneers: J. Straker, Chadwick & Sons    Auctioneers: J P & M Doyle
                                            ›  Lot No 55 joint highest price 1,400gns.
                                            Sold to Gerry Killilea, Carragh Flock.
 estern Wonders Sale of Pedigree Suffolk Sheep at the   In the Breeding ewe Section Geoff Biddulph, ‘Pexhill’ sold the   he third annual All Star Sale held at
 Monmouthshire Livestock Centre, saw a top price of   fourth prize winner at 950gns to R Bowdler, Ellesmere, Shropshire   Blessington Mart on Saturday 30th
 W2,100gns for the first prize and Reserve Champion   with Dafydd Jones ‘Frongoy’ selling at 800gns and 650gns. Local   TNovember was a tramendous success
 ewe lamb from Myfyr Evans’ Rhaeadr Flock. She sold to new   Vendors RB & GM Morgan & Partners, Usk sold to 650gns with MA   with almost 100% clearance. A number
 breeders C Russo, Norbury, Surrey.   Evans and Messrs Hallam & Eggleston selling ewes at 600gns.  of sheep were exported to the UK and
 The overall Champion was awarded by the Judge, Mr Huw    Back in the yearling ewes the best from Hallam & Eggleston,   Northern Ireland with the remainder sold
 Thomas to the first prize Flock ewe from Dafydd Jones ‘Frongoy’,   Loughborough sold at 1,000gns to Dafydd Jones, Frongoy, whilst   to breeders all over Ireland.
 and sold at 1,450gns to Steffan Thomas, Llangadog. Next best   Jack Pryce, Meifod sold one from his Horton Flock at 900gns to R   The gimmers, ewes and ewe lambs on
 at 1,200gns was a ewe lamb, this time from Ross Lawrence,   Bowdler, Ellesmere, and another at 700gns to Messrs Russo. Best   offer were of a very high standard and
 Winkleigh, Devon. His Roundacre lamb also sold to Steffan Thomas,  from Geoff Biddulph, Pexhill also sold at 700gns to Messrs Bowdler.  excellent value for money.
 Llangadog.   We would like to thank all who attended
 Myfyr Evans sold another ewe lamb at 1,100gns to M Evans,   OVERALL AVERAGES  the sale, especially the bidders and buyers
 Bwyddgrug, Carmarthen, who also took another from the same   43 Flock ewes to 1,450gns (av. £463.50)  and anyone who helped in any way. We
 home at 750gns. A further Rhaeadr ewe lamb sold at 850gns and   32 Shearling ewes to 1,000gns (av. £453.80)  would also like to thank John Doyle and
 was taken by Messrs Russo, Surrey.  9 Ewe lambs to 2,100gns (av. £400.00)  his staff for a job well done. Ian Donald for
       his professional grooming service to many   Name                    Highest Price No. of sheep sold   Average
       of the flocks and to Alfie Shaw for the first
       class photos. The next All Star Sale will be   Gerry Killilea - Carragh  1,400gns     6           937gns
       held on Saturday 28th November 2020.  Seamus Browne - Errigal        1,400gns         13          887gns
        Finally the best of luck to all the
 J. Straker,   purchasers from Seamus Browne, Trevor   Alan Kilpatrick - Convoy  1,200gns    12          818gns
 Chadwick & Sons  Burke, Gerry Killilea and guest consigners   Trevor Burke - DeBurca  1,400gns  6       783gns
       Oliver Deane, Garth Graham and Alan   Oliver Deane - Mountford        950gns          22          477gns
 EST – 1872  Kilpatrick.                     Garth Graham - Kirriemuir       720gns          5           464gns

 2020 SALES

 FRI/SAT 17TH & 18TH JULY   Nati onal Show & Sale,
    Shrewsbury Livestock Centre (with Halls)

 MON 3RD AUG   NSA Early Ram Sale – Builth Wells
    To include Western Club Show & Sale
 MON 21ST SEPT          NSA Main Ram Sale, Builth Wells   See our full range of Suffolk

 SAT 31ST OCT   Shrewsbury Classic Female Sale,
    Shrewsbury Livestock Centre (with Halls)  merchandise at the Society

 SAT 7TH NOV    Western Wonders Show & Sale of in-lamb ewes & ewe lambs   website:
    Monmouthshire Livestock Centre, Raglan

 Please contact: Lyndon Trumper for further informati on on the above sales and
 any other matt ers relati ng to the valuati on/marketi ng of Suff olk Sheep.

 The Aucti on Rooms, Tiverton Place, Abergavenny, Mon, NP7 5PN

  01873 852624 

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