Page 7 - Commercial Suffolks 2021
P. 7
has a policy that he always crosses Nerterhall Farm also sell surplus
his Suffolk x Mule ewes with a breeding sheep of Scotch Mules
Texel and the Texel x Mule ewes and Suffolk x Mules at Dumfries.
go to a Suffolk. He commented Lewis continued “we like a Suffolk x
“by crossing this way we produce Mule ewe with a silky black skin on
excellent prime lambs with good the head, this type of ewe inherits
growth rate, conformation and fat the traits of milkiness and hybrid
levels.” vigour from the Scotch Mule making
it an excellent breeding female for
Lambs are sold through C&D producing quality prime lambs.”
Auctions at Dumfries where
buyers comment on the quality The sheep stay outside through
and consistency of the stock from the winter and are given ewe rolls 6
Netherhall. weeks before lambing. Then 14 days
before lambing, they are housed and
fed haylage with ewe rolls.