Page 11 - Yearbook 2019
P. 11

President’s report

 Great enthusiasm for                    Ballyboe

 the Suffolk breed                        Suffolks

 Campbell Watson, 2018 president
                                         Est. 2016               Reg. UPX

 s I sit here writing this address I look   The next stop was the Royal Highland   where I saw a great show of sheep.
 back on an excellent summer and   where James Innes was champion with   Champion was J Lucas at 2,000gns and
 Athe exceptionally mild winter giving   a shearling ewe and Gregor Hiddleston   reserve went to S Browne at 2,800gns who
 us plenty of grass in the fields at present.   reserve with a ewe lamb.   also got top price of 4,200gns.
 I can’t help wondering if Brexit will be as   I also had the great pleasure of   With the ram sale finished it was on to
 kind to us and keep the lamb prices up for   judging The Great Yorkshire in pleasant   the national flock view day in Shrewsbury,
                         SCRAPIE MONITORED FLOCK
 our commercial farmers, on which a large   sunshine, where I found my champion in A   to the farm of Sanisbury Gold Cup winner   SCRAPIE MONITORED FLOCK
 percentage of our breeders depend.   Hiddleston’s shearling ewe and the reserve in   Philip Poole (Salopian Flock) where we saw
 I firmly believe that the Suffolk/cross   Pamela Lupton’s shearling ram. I thoroughly   a very impressive flock of sheep.
 females are the back bone of our industry   enjoyed the day reacquainting with old   My final journey was to the Society
 and if we, the breeders keep the Suffolk   friends and meeting so many new faces.   Youth Championships in Carlisle, and what
 ram long and fleshy with silky hair and   The next stop was back home at The   an impressive turnout of well informed and
 good back ends they will continue to   Northern Ireland Championships in Omagh   knowledgeable young folk there was from
 deliver what the commercial farmer needs   where Gary Beacom was Champion with   all over the UK and Ireland. It was a most
 and is commercially appealing.  his shearling ewe and reserve was William   interesting day, and I came away feeling
 As I started my year as President I was   Tait’s ram lamb.   that the future of the breed is in safe
 both involved in, and attended, many shows   The biggest thrill of all was to be asked   hands with so many keen young breeders
 and sales, I could see that the Suffolk breed   to judge the National Sale. It was most   participating.
 is going in the right direction. The first   pleasing to see the quality of rams and   Having served on the council for ten
 show was at Balmoral, and what a show of   females on show, with good tops, length   years in the 1990’s and then returning in a
 Suffolks that was! These were so splendidly   and back ends. I found my champion in   presidency role for the last two years I must
 judged by Jane Soulsby where she found her   John Innes’s Ram lamb at 11,000gns and   congratulate all those who have given up   FLOCK ACHIEVEMENT 2018:
 champion in Gary Beacom’s shearling ewe   reserve in John Sinnett’s ram lamb which   their time to serve on council, for their hard
 and reserve in Mark Priestley’s ram lamb.  made top price of 15,500gns.  work and commitment and for keeping this   Winner of best flock ewes South of Ireland.
 Then my travels took me to Kilkenny for   The Northern Area sale in Stirling was   great society to the fore. I must specifically   This was our first time to enter!
 the Irish Championships judged by Iain   where Ron Greig found his champion in   mention Ron Greig for his never ending
 Barbour where he found his champion in    Mark Priestley’s ram lamb which had been   work as chairman of the council and Robin
 A O’Keeffe’s shearling ewe and reserve in    reserve champion at Balmoral in May   McIlrath, our CEO for his continued hard   STOCK RAM
 P O’Keeffe’s second prize shearling ewe.  making the staggering price of 40,000gns.   work, commitment and enthusiasm.
 George Stewart was in reserve. There was   Personally I would like to thank the   Limestone Aston Martin purchased
 a tremendous show of ram lambs with   girls in the office, Anna, Margo, Katie and
 other top prices of 30,000gns, 24,000gns,   Dara for making my year so easy and for   for £40,000 at sterling 2018 where
 22,000gns and 20,000gns.   arranging my travel and accommodation.   he stood overall champion!
 Back home for the premier sale in   They were always prepared to go the ‘extra
 Ballymena where A Gault was champion   mile’ to ensure I was well looked after.   We also have Aston Martin’s
 reaching a price of 1,700gns and reserve D   In closing, I must say that my wife   mammy in our flock!!
 Taylor at 1,900gns. Top price of 2,000gns   Margaret and I really enjoyed my year as
 went to A Patton.   President, meeting old and new friends.
 The following today I made the long trip   May I wish all my fellow Suffolk Breeders a
 to the South of Ireland sale in Roscrea   successful 2019 and beyond.   +353 (0)862851571

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