Page 15 - Yearbook 2019
P. 15

Sensory tasting

       •  Products were supplied by Linden Foods   ›  Figure 2: Sensory attributes  Suffolk  Charollais   Texel
       •  Products were cooked and tested in the
 Sensory tasting exercise  sensory kitchens and lab of the food and   9
         consumer testing suite (FACTS).
       •  All lamb joints were approximately 2kg
         in weight before cooking.
       •  Joints were cooked at 180°C for approx.   7
         2.5 hours and left to rest for 15 minutes.   6
 Investigator:  Project outline:   •  Regular lamb consumers.   •  Lamb was served on white plates coded
 Dr Amy Burns  Descriptive sensory testing of three   •  Females and males.   with a three digit code.   Score  5  7.77 7.44 7.43  7.77 7.44 7.51  7.83 7.56 7.35  7.75 7.54 7.38  7.88 7.56 7.42  7.67 7.59 7.47  7.75 7.65 7.51
 breeds of lamb at the Food and Consumer   •  Not on a weight reduction diet.  •  The order of testing was randomised
 Location:   Testing Suite (FACTS), Ulster University.   •  Non-smokers.   to ensure no order effect occurred (ie   4
 University of Ulster, Food & Consumer   (See FACTS description at www.ulster.  •  Panellists attended FACTS between   attribute levels diminishing as testing
 Testing Suite (FACTS), Coleraine, N Ireland  12.30-2pm on each day.   proceeded).   3
 school/departments/hospitality-and-  •  Panellists were requested to have a mid-  •  81 panellists completed the testing over   2
 tourism-management/fact-suite and   morning snack two hours before their   three days.
 Appendix 1 for photos).   testing time and not to consume any   •  Panellists were instructed to taste the   1
 other food or drink except water before   products in the order presented to them
 Testing period:   testing (to ensure panellists were not   and to sip water in between tastings.    0
 Testing was conducted over three days (30th   hungry or full).  •  Panellists were instructed to take as   Appearance  Aroma  Taste  Texture  Flavour  Succulence  Tenderness
 May to 1st June) between 12.30 and 2pm.  much time as they wanted while tasting
 Product testing:   the products on each occasion.
 Panellists inclusion criteria:   Regarding product testing:  •  All products were tested using a 9-point  Key findings
 The following criteria was used to select   •  Suffolk cross lamb was tested against   Output:   Hedonic Likert scale.   The Suffolk Cross Lamb:
 ›  FACTS Suite  panellists:  Charollais cross and Texel cross lamb.   Regarding output:  •  Scores ranged from 1-9    •  Was chosen as the preferred choice by
       •  The attributes measured were:       (1 = dislike extremely… 9 = Like    70% of the sample (See Figure 1).
         • Appearance                         extremely) for each measured attribute   •  Scored highest for all attributes and
         • Aroma                           •  All joints of meat scored exceptional   statistically significantly (P<0.05) higher
         • Taste                              high on the Likert Hedonic scales.   for appearance, aroma, taste, texture,
         • Texture                         •  All joints of meat scored above 7 on the   flavour. (See Figure 2) This would confirm
         • Overall flavour                    9-point scale for all attributes measured.   from the testing period that the Suffolk
         • Succulence                         The results clearly demonstrate very   cross lamb had a better appearance,
         • Tenderness                         positive feedback on all products.  aroma, taste, texture and overall flavour
                                                                                  than the Charollais or Texel cross lamb.

       ›  Figure 1: Preference



         Percentage  60


              20          70.4 17.3 12.4                 21    24.7 54.3               8.6

                               Suffolk                      Charollais                       Texel

                                 First choice      Second choice        Third choice

 14  Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019                                            Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019  15
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