Page 93 - Yearbook 2019
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Club reports Club reports
England England
visited four flocks Cairness, Middlemuir, Cadgerford and Birness.
Joining the tup tours meant that there were over 80 breeders
North West viewing some very well prepared sheep.
We stayed in a lovely hotel in Aberdeen and into the late
evening shared stories together round a drink or two. At each
farm, members took part in stock judging and I was pleased when
it was announced that Ian Richmond was first for the gent’s and
t’s always a pleasure to share the good news of the North Barbeque and stock judging Joanne Sharpe was first and Bethany Gardner second in the ladies’
West Suffolk Breeders Club and this year is no exception as The BBQ and stock judging was held at Birkrigg Park, Kendal, competition. The club in indebted to their North East Scotland
Imembers travelled the country to compete at events. hosted by Liz Needham, Norman Flock. A great show of sheep by hosts for facilitating such an event.
Liz and lots of young competitors for the stock judging. It was
Club Show great to see so many young people at the event who were willing In-lamb ewe sale
The year began with the Club Show, hosted by North West to have a go at the stock judging and thoroughly enjoyed the The club proudly sponsors this show and sale held at NWA J36.
Auctions. This is always a pinnacle event at which our members camaraderie of the evening. Thanks to master judge, James Airey. As a multibreed sale it is a shared event and this year attracted
can display their stock and be rewarded for the decisions that they The winners were Glynnis Soulsby, Margaret Petherbridge and 60 entries and a good crowd of buyers. The sale often gives new
made the previous year, and after much deliberations, over which James Richmond as Under 16. breeders the opportunity to purchase in-lamb stock. There was a
sire to choose. Michael Walton was presented with an outstanding strong line up of Suffolk’s, judged by Geoff Richmond, which saw
display of sheep to judge. Sullum Suffolk’s shown by the Richmond Flock visit the overall Championship awarded to a stylish Gimmer Lamb from
family won Overall Champion with Champion Ewe in Show (sired In July the Club organised a trip which took members to TA Blair of the Thornfleet flock, a gimmer lamb sired by Benrafton
by Ballycannon Big Dan). Aberdeen to join the North East Scotland Club Tup tours. We Barney Roy. A high clearance rate for this sale saw in-lamb Suffolk
shearlings sell to an average of 380gns, Gimmer Lambs averaged
295gns and in-lamb Suffolk Ewes average 300gns.
Annual General Meeting
Held in November the AGM was attended by over 30 members
and guests. Nuffield Scholar, Neil McGowan spoke about his
global travels in pursuit of his scholarship and breeding for better
efficiency. A change in officers saw Nicola Gornall resign post of
Club Secretary and George Riley resign as Treasurer. The Club is
grateful for their long service. Michael Tett becomes Treasurer and
Margaret Petherbridge takes on the role of Secretary.
National Suffolk Youth Championship
The club was yet again well represented at this event by
members which included Owen Airey, Robert Denby, Bethany
Gardner and Robert Lee. Congratulations to Bethany Gardner who
achieved runner up in the Senior Class and Robert Lee runner up in
the Junior Class.
Other news
This year many of our members competed at regional and
national shows and sales and represented the club as ambassadors
for the Suffolk Breeders. To best view these successes please social media and attracted twelve new members. Industry has also
visit our Facebook page which has been very active this year in been very generous and I would like to thank our sponsors Lanes
promoting our members. Vets, Dan Fawcett and Cargill UK.
Thanks especially to these members and the strength of As we start a new season I wish all Suffolk Breeders every
committee as a whole the club has nurtured an active presence on success for the forthcoming year.
92 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 93