Page 97 - Yearbook 2019
P. 97
Club reports Club reports
England/Wales England/Wales
Shropshire & Montgomery For further information please contact Helen Roberts
07976 803066 or email
Champion Flock
he AGM took place in the spring with the Club electing RESULTS J Pryce (Horton Flock)
a new Chairperson: Claire Hardman now Whitticase Aged Ram Reserve Champion Flock
Tfollowing her marriage in the summer to Ian; George 1st T S Cox (Tomcroft Flock)
Powell was elected Vice Chairman and other committee S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)
members stayed the same. Yearling Ram
Welshpool Auction held its Spring Lamb Competition in April 1st John Pryce (Horton Flock - Champion) Ram Lambs
with the winners Bevans of Winsbury spending their vouchers 2nd John Pryce (Horton Flock) 1st George Powell (Lakeview ram lamb)
at the Ram Sale later in the year. This competition was kindly 3rd T S Cox (Tomcroft Flock) 2nd S C Walker (Morris The Geezer)
sponsored by Rikki Lloyd local Welshpool butcher. 3rd S C Walker (Pyeston Titanium)
Ram Lamb
Stock judging 1st John Pryce (Horton Flock – Reserve Champion) We must also congratulate Phil Poole & family for winning the
A stock judging day was arranged at the home of Claire 2nd John Pryce (Horton Flock) Bristol Gold Cup for the National Flock competition and J Pryce – › Welshpool sale from Mr J Pryce selling for 900gns
Whitticase and family. It was good to see plenty of members old 3rd S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock) Horton Flock who won the Western Area Branch flock competition,
and new turn out for this event. Master Judge was the Geoff Champion it is good to see members old and new trying other competitions. the Annual dinner along with the prizes for the flock competition.
Biddulph. The winner of the Ensdon salver was John Pryce. Many We would like to thank everyone who has supported the Club
thanks to all that made the afternoon successful which ended with John Pryce Social events over the year and wish you all a successful 2019. The Club would
a lovely BBQ. The sheep looked terrific too. Reserve The M Gatt cup for the most points gained at the shows and like to congratulate Claire and Ian Whitticase on their marriage in
Shows and sales then took over with breeders enjoying success sales went once again to Jack Pryce – Horton this was presented at the year and Secretary Helen on her marriage to Clive Roberts.
both in the show and sale ring. It is good to see some of our newer John Pryce
members having a go at showing and selling it all looks good for
the future of the Club and breed. Flock Competition
Sheila Eggleston judged our competition and we had seven
Brewery Trip entries with the new members been very enthusiastic about the
This date had been in the diary for months however it had been competition and most went onto also enter the Western Area
overlooked that we clashed with that other well-known breed’s competition and did well in that as well.
major sale date. However, after a few phone calls friends and
members gathered for a trip around Stonehouse Brewery and a RESULTS
lovely ploughman’s supper and the evening was most enjoyable. Flock
1st J Pryce (Horton Flock)
Ram Show and Sale 2nd S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)
Annual Show and Sale on behalf of the Shropshire & 3rd Claire Whitticase (Glanmartin Flock)
Montgomery Area Suffolk Club took place at Welshpool Livestock
Sales on Thursday 27th September with an entry of 120 in the New Flock
catalogue, 81 lots sold (10 more than last year), this showed that 1st Claire Whitticase (Glanmartin Flock)
the buyers picked the best quality on offer. 2nd Chloe Shaw (Mildene Flock)
Averages of the day: 1 Aged Rams £315 from TS Cox, 44 3rd George Powell (Myddle Flock)
yearlings £421 and 36 lambs £318. Top price of the day was
for the champion from J Pryce selling for 900gns to A Shinton, Stock Ram
Shropshire. Other leading prices for yearling rams were 700gns T S 1st J Pryce (Birness Bargain)
Cox, 620gns twice J Pryce, 610gns A Davies. Ram lambs achieved 2nd George Powell (Willmar Ramsey)
480gns J Pryce, 450gns twice from J Pryce and T S Cox, 420gns 3rd A Davies (Hugmore Hero)
twice from George Powell and Jackie Payne. The Show was very
kindly sponsored by Farmers Guardian, Maelor Feeds, Osmonds, J G Ewe Lambs
Animal Health and Bibbys. 1st J Pryce (Horton Flock)
2nd S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)
John Sherratt judged and placed the rams as follows: 3rd A Davies (Hugmore Flock)
96 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2019 97