Page 122 - Yearbook 2020
P. 122

Club reports



           he past year saw again some top   Boreland Buddah) from Mr Johan Somers,   In the burning heat, temperatures reached
           quality shows in Flanders with   with a ewe lamb (sire: Solwaybank Jesse   well over 35°C in Belgium in July, it was well
       Tbreeders from all over Belgium     James) from Mr Bert Laeremans taking the   known Belgian breeder Mr. Danny Waillez
       showing their very best stock. Not only   reserve spot.                  from the Pont du Prince flock who had the
       the shows but also the numbers of both   Next on the calendar was the big show   tough task of placing them all in the right
       imports from the UK as export to the rest   in Herne at the beginning of June. Every   order. Eventually it was a shearling ram (sire:
       of Europe were impressive, proving once   year this show is one of the best in both   Malinhead Ice Cold Gold) from Mr Lionel
       again that Belgium is still one of the top   quantity and quality. This year’s judge was   Goossens who won breed champion with a   Stock Judging
       Suffolk countries on the mainland.  Mr. Venturino Paoletti, chairman of the   ewe lamb (sire: Netevallei Kayan) of Mr Bert                                        National
        Just like the last few years five big   Walloon Suffolk Society. He chose a gimmer   Laeremans taking the title of reserve breed
       national shows took place in Flanders, all   (sire: Strathbogie I’m Invincible) from Mr   champion.                         Lambing Simulator
       judged by very respected judges.    Claude Van Wijnsberghe as champion and   At the end of August we had Mrs. Pamela
        The first show of the year took place in   an aged ewe (sire: Boreland Buddah) from   Lupton over in Belgium to judge the show
       Tongeren, in May. Judge on the day was Mr.   Mr Johan Somers as reserve champion.  in Beveren-Leie. She picked a gimmer (sire:
       Adam Porter from the Irish Braeburn flock.   The third show of the year took place in   Strathbogie I’m Invincible) from Mr Claude   Interactive Quiz
       Breed champion was an aged ewe (sire:   Strijtem on our National Holiday, 21st July.   Van Wijnsberghe as champion and a ewe
                                                                                lamb (sire: Pennan Principal) from Mr Alain                                              Youth
                                                                                Nerinckx as reserve champion.                      Westcarse Cup -
                                                                                  The last big show of the season was held at
                                                                                the beginning of September in Heist-op-den-        Senior Class (17-26)
                                                                                Berg. This year’s judge was Mr Rory Machray
                                                                                from the renowned Middlemuir flock.
                                                                                Champion and reserve champion titles went          Tillydesk Cup -
                                                                                to two ewe lambs (both sired by Solwaybank
                                                                                Jesse James) from Bert Laeremans’ Netevallei       Junior Class (up to 16)
                                                                                flock, who did outstanding throughout the
                                                                                whole show season.                                                                       Championships
                                                                                  We would like to thank all of the judges
                                                                                for their expertise and positive feedback on
                                                                                our Belgian Suffolks.
        ›  Champion breed (right) and reserve breed                               We would also like to thank the Suffolk                 Application
        champion (left) with judge Mr Venturino Paoletti                        Sheep Society, all the breeders in the UK
                                                                                and transport companies for the great co-                     Forms            ENTER
                                                                                operation in the past years. It’s because of
                                                                                them we can keep on improving the level               Available Online
                                                                                of sheep in Belgium. We hope that with             www.suff
                                                                                the upcoming Brexit and other challenges                                                          Now part of the National
                                                                                ahead we can maintain these good bonds              or contact offi  ce on
                                                                                so we can all keep benefiting from our good                                                 Championship Weekend starting
                                                                                collaboration.                                          028 2563 2342

                                                                                  Pieter Frijters                                                                                  Friday 17th July
                                                                                  Suffolk vd Driesweide and
                                                                                  Overheide Suffolks                                    Further details                             Shrewsbury Market, Bowmen Way,
                                      ›  Champion breed (left) and reserve breed champion (right) with         will be posted on
                                                                                                                                                                              Battlefi eld, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3DR
                                       judge Mr Rory Machray at the show in Heist-op-den-Berg
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