Page 117 - Yearbook 2020
P. 117
Club reports Club reports
South of Ireland South of Ireland
Donegal Eastern
he clubs activities started in July with a most enjoyable Raphoe Premier 019 was an unusual year for all our breeders with the for a stylish rams by Cairness Liam. This lamb had earlier won the
trip to many of the leading flocks within the breed Our Premier sale was judged by Mr Philip Gurney Oakbridge breakaway group setting up their own championships Recorded Class. Reserve Champion went to John & Esther Gahan
TBallynacannon, Crewelands, Donrho and Limestone. Many flock, and he chose a strong ram lamb from the Finn Vale flock of 2and sales. As always our club members could be counted ram lamb by Glyde Rodeo.
thanks to all for their outstanding hospitality and the excellent Messr’s Lucas as his Champion, with J A Doherty in Reserve. The upon to help out at society events wherever required. Society Our Second Show and Sale was judged by Rodney Deacon. Alan
display of sheep on offer. pairs being won by J A Doherty. Leading prices on the night were Championships at Kilkenny saw several club members showing Stanley’s ram lamb by Clyde Daredevil first won the Recorded class
Donegal continues to be a stronghold for Irish Suffolks and 2019 J A Doherty €860, AJ & JA Lucas €650, €620 and PJ McMonagle successfully with Colin Watchorn coming second and third in and then went on to become Champion. Oliver Deane had the
was no exception and we congratulate our club members on their €620. the novice ram lamb class and John Gahan coming second with Reserve Champion with a lamb by Rookery Apollo who had earlier
success throughout the year. his ewe lamb in novice class. won the Open Class. The bidding was brisk for this sheep with the
A trio of breeders made the long journey south to the National Second Sale Once again we gave a voucher to the Tullow Ewe Breeders for hammer coming down at €750 which was the highest price on the
Sheep Championships in Kilkenny. Seamus Browne, Richard Mr Patrick McVerry from Newry was our judge on the night, and €100 towards a ram at our club sales. This voucher was won by day.
Thompson and Ronan McLaughlin all had a successful trip, with he chose a strong ram lamb from Andrew Wilson as his Champion Peter Behan, Tinnahely Wicklow at the Ewe lamb pairs competition. There was considerable interest in our promotion for €50
Richard Thompson winning the Novice Ram Lamb class and Ronan which later sold for €1,450. Reserve Champion went to Robert Tait’s The Premier Sale in its new venue in Blessington saw several of vouchers sponsored by Quinns of Baltinglass and farmers happily
McLaughlin winning the Novice Ewe Lamb class. ram lamb. The pairs class was won by Robert Tait. Other leading our members both showing and selling well with Sean Durkin, John filled in their own selection of which sheep would be champion.
prices were €1,320 for a strong ram lamb from the Wilsons, and JA and Esther Gahan and J & J Corcoran all picking up Rosettes. Club members were delighted with our Chairman Colin Watchorn
Stirling Sale Doherty received €910 for a January born ram lamb. Our Premier Sale in Tullow was judged by Edward Jeffery from winning the South of Ireland section of the Flock Competition. A
Club members Andrew Wilson and Ronan McLaughlin had an the Kilbeg Flock. He award Champion sheep to Brain and Gus Doyle wonderful day was enjoyed by all who attended Colin’s open day.
extremely successful sale with Andrew’s pen of six lambs selling Third Sale
to a top of 21,000gns and achieving the top average of £12,232, Lesley Liggett from the Carony flock judged our third sale, and his
whilst Ronan a first time exhibitor sold to a top of 4,200gns. Champion on the night went to Tommy Cavanagh’s ram lamb, and in › Prize winners from our club sales: Brian Doyle and Alan Stanley with club chairman Colin Watchorn
Reserve was Martin McDermott’s strong ram lamb. Leading prices on
Blessington Premier the night were €720 R Tait, €680 M McDermott, €650 R Wilson.
This was another successful sale for Donegal breeders, with
Richard Wilson’s ram lamb winning the gigot class and then going Fourth Sale
on to take the overall Champion which sold for €2,310. Ronan Our last sale was judged by club member JJ Doherty, and he
McLaughlin’s strong ram lamb won the Novice class and later sold chose a January born lamb from Richard Wilson as his Champion,
for €2,940. Other leading prices from Donegal breeders included: with Reserve going to Martin McDermotts ram lamb. Leading
Darragh McMenamin €2,730 prices on the night were €520 M McDermott, €480 AJ & JA Lucas
Richard Wilson €2,625 and €480 R Tait.
AJ & JA Lucas €2,310 Many thanks to all our customers and sponsors throughout the
AJ & JA Lucas €2,310 year.
› Raphoe premier sale champion: AJ & JA Lucas
› Champion sheep at Eastern Suffolk Club Premier Ram Sale
2019 from Brian and Gus Doyle’s Kilmacoo Flock
› September Show & Sale Champion Alan Stanley Judge
› Second Sale Champion: Andrew Wilson Rodney Deacon Reserve Champion Oliver Deane
116 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 117