Page 114 - Yearbook 2020
P. 114

Club reports

       Northern Ireland
                                                                                                                                Premium Sheep &

       East Down                                                                                                                Goat Health Schemes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Premium emium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sheep & Goat        p & Goat        p & Goat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Health Schemes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Health Schemes

                                                                                                                                Gain recognition for your high health status stock

                                                                                                                                MV, CAE, EAE and Johne’s Disease Accreditation

                                                                                                                                Buying rams or replacements?

                                                                                                                                Safeguard flock health and purchase Accredited animals
                                                                                                 ›  W Montgomery and
               ›  P Kennedy  ›  S Turkington at the awards dinner  ›  A Patton with sons Mark and David ›  M Priestley and nephew Samuel  Joseph Trimblevid
                                                                                 ›  Mark Priestley’s                            Range of disease testing also available
            nce again, the East Down Club had   no exception. Our judge was Alistair Gault of   Champion at the
            another hugely successful year. The   Forkins fame. The champion of the show this   club championships              Border Disease, CLA, worm egg counts
      Oclub year kicked off with some of   year went to Mark Priestley, Limestone with   included Judge Alistair
                                                                                 Gault and handler
       our members exhibiting at Balmoral Show.   a gimmer by AK Magic. Reserve champion   Samuel Maginnes                      Scrapie Monitoring & Genotyping
       Special mention to Shaun Turkington,   went to Patrick McVerry, Tullywhinney with
       Beechcrest for winning the Shearling   his aged ewe. Our young handler award                                             Export and selective breeding
       Ram class. Mark Priestley, Limestone for   this year was won by Joseph Trimble, who
       winning the Ram Lamb Class. Norman   showed great ability and knowledge for
       Robinson, Benrafton for winning the Aged   being new to the breed.
       Ewe Class. Mark Priestley went on to win   The annual trip/flock visit this year was
       the Male Champion Award and Overall   to Limestone for their flock viewing day.
       Champion for his Ram Lamb. Which then   Members travelled and were presented
       scooped reserve Interbreed Champion.   with excellent stock and also enjoyed the
        Our annual flock competition was next   hospitality and weather. All in all, it was
       on the agenda. This year was kindly judged   another successful trip for the East Down
       by Mr William Tate of Burnview fame.   Club.
       The accolade of Champion flock was won   The annual show and sale was up
       by Shaun Turkington, Beechcrest. With   next. Once again in Hilltown Mart and in
       William Montgomery Smiddiehill scooping   conjunction with the annual Texel Club
       the reserve award. Shaun also won the   sale. The sale this year was on power
       champion pen of ewe lambs with William   with previous years with record numbers
       picking up the Champion Stock Ram.   of entries. The pre-sale show was judged   ›  Show and sale champion from Antony Patton
        One of our founder members, William   by Stephen Sufferin of Crewelands flock.   with Mark Patton and judge Steven Sufferin
       Montgomery, reached the grand age of 90   Stephen awarded the champion ribbons to   night. We had a great night’s craic and a
       this year. William has achieved so much   Anthony Patton, Carrowmoney who had an   super meal. It was good to see so many
       in his years in Suffolk Sheep and he still   outstanding ram lamb and reserve champion   members, families and friends support our                             Visit our membership database
       continues to be a leading light within the   went to Joseph Stewart, Gransha again a   annual event.
       breed.                              terrific ram lamb. The Best pair of Lambs   Special mention must also go to our
        The BBQ and Club Championships were   award was scooped by Joseph Stewart and   members who had many successes in sales
       again held at the premises of the Smiddiehill  Philip Savage, Camara picked up the red   both at home and across the water. Its           SRUC Veterinary Services                                    SRUC is a charity registered in
       flock. We had a great night’s craic; the   rosette in the shearling ram class. Best Gigot   good to see so many East Down members         Greycrook, St Boswells, TD6 0EQ                             Scotland, No. SC003712
       weather and the quality of the sheep were   of the night went to a ram lamb exhibited   succeeding in the breed. Let’s hope the next      01835 822456                                           
       once again outstanding. This is always one   by Philip Kennedy, Cavanagrove.  decade can bring as many success stories as       
       of our well supported events and 2019 was   The year came to a close with our awards   the last.                                
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