Page 88 - Yearbook 2020
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Branch reports
South of Ireland
who kindly supplied some excellent Suffolk stock for our stand. In the Society competition, S & P O’Connor (Kerry) was awarded
Suffolk breeders from all over the country took part and an the John Long Cup for the best flock of 16-30 ewes and Ronan
extremely high standard of Suffolk sheep were presented to the McLoughlin (Donegal) was presented with the Best Stud Ram
judge on the day. The difficult task of judging was given to the trophy for Limestone Aston Martin. Both Sean and Ronan, along
2018 president Mr Campbell Watson, Bannview flock. It was with Garth Graham (Sligo), Gerry Killilea (Galway) and Colin
heartening to see such involvement by the branch’s younger Watchorn (Wicklow) picked up a total of seven Certificates of
breeders and based on the sheep on show, the future of the Suffolk Merit for different classes in the Society Competition. In the South
breed in the South of Ireland is in good hands. of Ireland Competition, Colin Watchorn lifted the overall trophy for
The members of the O’Keeffe family from Co. Cork had a best flock in Ireland. Colin (ably supported by the family) hosted an
memorable day with the supreme champion going to Arthur excellent viewing day and presentation on Saturday 10th August.
O’Keeffe with his shearling ewe and the Reserve Champion being The winners in the South of Ireland Competition were:
awarded to Susan’s Male Champion, a ram lamb by Strathbogie A › Susan and Patrick O’Keeffe, Shrewsbury National Sale › Kilkenny Tullow ewe breeders
Kind of Magic. The Male Reserve went to Philip Lynch’s winner of Overall Champion Flock up to 30 Ewes sold went to commercial farmers typically buying in the €400 to
the Shearling Ram and Upwards class while the Female Reserve Winner: S&P O’Connor, Co Kerry (Islandmore Flock) €900 price range. Ram lambs overall achieved an excellent 75%
was Susan O’Keeffe’s trimmed ewe lamb. C Watchorn, Co Wicklow (Beechbrook Flock) Reserve: R McLoughlin, Co Donegal (Ballyboe Flock) clearance with an average of €931.
Patrick O’Connor (Co Kerry) paid the top price of €3,150 for
Flock Competition 2019 Reserve Overall Champion Certificate of Merit: P Byrne Philip Byrne’s (Co Kilkenny) ‘Burnview One for Arthur’ sired ram
The 2019 flock competition was judged by the highly respected S&P O’Connor, Co Kerry (Islandmore Flock) Flock Over 30 Ewes lamb (TJW:19:00013). The hammer fell to B Fenton (Co Wicklow)
Suffolk breeder, Mr Iain Barbour of the Solwaybank Flock, Scotland. Winner: C Watchorn Co Wicklow (Beechbrook Flock) €2,940 for Ronan McLaughlin’s (Co Donegal) Novice Class winner
As with recent years, the South of Ireland competition was held in Reserve: G Killilea, Co Galway (Carragh Flock) (UPX:19:00024). P J Howard paid €2,730 for Young Donegal
conjunction with the Suffolk Sheep Society Flock competition and Certificates of Merit: G Graham, Co Sligo (Kirriemuir Flock) breeder Darragh McMenamin’s Rookery Rodeo sired lot 113
our Irish members performed well against flocks from N Ireland, (UJU:19:01440) and for the same money, Northern Ireland breeder
England, Scotland and Wales. Ewe Lamb Class Adam Porter (Maghera) purchased Gerry Killilea’s (Co Galway)
Winner: C Watchorn, Co Wicklow (Beechbrook Flock) Lakeview Harbinger sired lamb out of a Newwells dam.
› Packed house Premier Sale Reserve: G Killilea, Co Galway (Carragh Flock) The three top pen averages were R Wilson (Co Donegal) with
Certificates of Merit: S&P O’Connor, G Graham €1,300 with five sheep through the ring, E Duffy (Co Meath) with
€1,062 for eight sheep and S O’Keeffe (Co Cork) with €1,058 for
Flock Ewes Class eight sheep.
Winner: C Watchorn, Co Wicklow (Beechbrook Flock) Top female price was K Bailey’s (Co Roscommon) reserve female
Reserve: S&P O’Connor, Co Kerry (Islandmore Flock) champion ewe lamb (HDC:19:00075) going to James Cuffe’s
pedigree Inbhear flock in Co Mayo for €1,470.
Stock Rams
Winner: “Limestone Aston Martin” (Owner R McLaughin) National Ploughing Championships 2019
Reserve: “Lakeview Lonesome Days” (Owner S&P O’Connor) Once again the pedigree Suffolk stand stood tall amongst all
Certificate of Merit: “Errigal Jack the Lad” (Owner G Graham) the different breeds in the sheep tunnel in Co Carlow. A very fine
display of pedigree Suffolks and Suffolk cross sheep were present
Premier Show and Sale, Blessington 2019 on the stand which was awarded the Champions Rossette by
The weather was very kind on the first weekend in August with the NSBA for Best Stand – well done to all involved! Both the
the Branch Premier Show & Sale being moved to J P & M Doyle’s stand and the stock were admired by the large numbers of people
Blessington Mart this year. Society Chairman Ron Greig had a who visited the sheep tunnel. A crowd of 240,000 attended the
difficult job judging with such a fine show of sheep presented on ploughing championships this year. This allowed the South of
the Friday. WJ & R Wilson’s Ram Lamb won the newly introduced Ireland Branch to showcase the Suffolk breed of sheep to an
Giggot Class (Trophy kindly donated by the Donegal Club) and he extremely wide audience of people. This forum also gives the
went on to be Male and Supreme Champion. Arthur O’Keeffe’s branch members the opportunity to meet and discuss with farmers
Open Ram Lamb class winner took Reserve Male and Overall all the positive attributes of the Suffolks and answer any queries
Reserve Champion. The Female Champion was J Durcan’s winner and allay any doubts which they might have. As the main aim
of the Single Shearling Ewe class with K Bailey’s Ewe Lamb getting of the Society is the promotion of the Suffolk breed, with such
Female Reserve. Exhibitors, family and visitors all enjoyed a pulled attendances yearly, the ploughing championships offer an ideal
pork BBQ at the end of the show bathed in sunshine. opportunity to achieve this goal.
It was standing room only at the Mart on Saturday as both The South of Ireland branch would like to offer its sympathy to
commercial farmers and pedigree breeders flocked to the Lamlac all those who have lost loved ones over the course of the year. May
sponsored Premier Sale on 3rd August. Over half the ram lambs they rest in peace.
88 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 89