Page 16 - Commercial Suffolks 2021
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Suffolk sheep have a reputation for growth and
RamCompare, the UK’s National Progeny Test for Terminal
Sires, demonstrates this point with Suffolk rams ranking
highly throughout the five year duration of the RamCompare
project. However, three decades of selective breeding for
muscling have also had an impact; producing the modern
Suffolk that we see today.
Suffolk rams in the across the UK. To date this joint-
RamCompare Project levy funded project, which is run by
AHDB, has collected data from over
RamCompare was established 26,000 commercially reared lambs,
to show how the genetic merit with 69 Suffolk sires already tested.
of performance recorded sires
influences the carcase value and The commercial value of traits
speed to finish of their commercial will vary from farm to farm, but by
progeny. selecting individuals with the right
combination of EBVs, producers
The project demonstrates that can identify the most profitable
commercial producers can use rams for their business.
estimated breeding values (EBVs)
to identify rams with high genetic • High Scan Weight EBV =
potential and benefit from enhanced Increased growth rates and
flock profitability. RamCompare reduced days to slaughter
uses nominated performance- • High Scan Weight/Muscle Depth
recorded rams from various terminal EBVs = Increased carcase
sire breeds on commercial farms weights