Page 18 - Commercial Suffolks 2021
P. 18

Leading Suffolk for Overall
                                                       Carcase Merit index for 2020
                                                       is the high yielding Midhope
                                                       Hans Solo L20:16:00992.
                                                       This AI sire bred and
                                                       nominated for RamCompare
                                                       by John Key, was in the Top
                                                       1% of the breed for his EBVs
                                                       for Muscle Depth and CT
                                                       Muscle Weight.

        The Impact of Signet                 breed is massive and has been part
        Recording on the Suffolk             of the breed’s commercial appeal in
        Breed                                recent years.
        The  National  Suffolk  Breeding     If you wish to get involved in
        Evaluation will include over 12,000   performance recording, getting
        new lamb records that are added      your   lambs    assessed    using
        each year by Signet and the Suffolk   ultrasound  or receiving breeding
        Sheep Society; out of these new      values to aid breeding decisions
        records  over  45%  are  from  flocks   then contact Signet for a starter
        actively engaged in performance      pack.  Recording  fees  start  from
        recording with Signet.               £95/flock  plus  £3/ewe  for  flocks
                                             using online data entry.
        Amongst those Suffolk flocks with
        100 or more lambs, nearly 60%        With commercial producers actively
        of them record their lambs with      seeking recorded flocks, it pays to
        Signet, so the trickle down impact   get  involved  –  taking  the  Suffolk
        of genetic improvement within the    breed  forward  a generation at  a

        16  COMMERCIAL SUFFOLKS  |   SUMMER 2021
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20