Page 101 - Yearbook 2020
P. 101

Club reports                                                                                 Club reports

 England/Wales                                                                               England/Wales

       Flock Competition                   Ewe Lambs                            Social events
 Shropshire & Montgomery  only had four entries this year. I hope we   1st   J Pryce (Horton Flock)  Sweeney Hall Hotel, Oswestry with 36
        Steve Buckley judged our competition we
                                                                                  The annual dinner was held at the
                                           2nd  S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)
                                           3rd=  Claire Whitticase (Glanmartin Flock)
       have more next year.
                                           3rd=  Tom and Sylvia Houghton        members old and new enjoying a fabulous
                                                                                meal and having the banter before we
       RESULTS                                   (Houghton Flock)               hibernate during lambing. The M Gatt Cup
       Flock                                 Champion                           for the most points gained at the shows
 he AGM took place in the spring   the Shropshire & Montgomery Area Suffolk   S C Walker and A Davies. The Show was   1st   J Pryce (Horton Flock)  and sales went once again to J Pryce –
 with the Club electing the same   Club took place at Welshpool Livestock   very kindly sponsored by Farmers Guardian,   2nd  Claire Whitticase (Glanmartin Flock)   J Pryce – Horton Flock  Horton this was presented at the Annual
 Tofficers Claire Whitticase as   Sales on Thursday 26th September with an   Maelor Feeds, Osmonds, J G Animal Health   3rd=  Tom and Sylvia Houghton    Reserve Champion =  dinner along with the prizes for the flock
 Chairperson and George Powell as Vice   entry of 92 in the catalogue, 84 forward   and Bibbys. Please note the 2020 sale will      (Houghton Flock)   competition.
 Chairman with other committee members   with only 63 sold.   be held on Thursday 1st October.  3rd=  S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)  S C Walker (Oxbrukheys Flock)   I would like to thank everyone who has
 also remaining the same.  We do have a weight restriction and   Viv Samuel judged and placed the rams   Claire Whitticase (Glanmartin)  supported the Club over the year and wish
 Welshpool Auction held its Spring Lamb   although these rams were forward, they   as follows:   New Flock   you all a successful 2020.
 Competition in April with the winners L &   were some of the ones that did not sell.   Tom & Sylvia Houghton (Houghton Flock)  We must also congratulate Phil Poole &
 PA Morris from Nr Llandrinio putting their   This showed that the buyers picked the   Champion  family for winning the Western Area Flock
 vouchers to good use at the Ram Sale later   best quality on offer and as a breed we   Stock Ram   competition and J Pryce – Horton Flock
 in the year. This competition was kindly   must maintain this quality. Averages of   John Pryce (Horton Flock)  1st   S C Walker (Morris the Geezer)  who won the best yearling ewes and ram   For further information please
 sponsored by Rikki Lloyd, local Welshpool   the day: 29 yearlings £420 same as last   Reserve Champion  2nd  Tom and Sylvia Houghton    lamb in the Western Area Flock, it is good   contact Helen Roberts 07976
 butcher.  year and 34 lambs averaged £358 up £40      (Glanmartin Major)  to see members old and new trying other   803066 or email
 on the year. Joint top price of the day was   George Powell (Myddle Flock)  3rd   J Pryce (Cairnton Crusader)  competitions.
 Stock judging  for the champion from J Pryce selling for

 A stock judging day was arranged at the   600gns to J K Smith & Sons, Warwick and   Yearling Ram
 home of John Pryce who also held an Open   a ram lamb from George Powell also sold   1st   John Pryce (Horton Flock)
 Day following his success in the Western   for 600gns to D J & E G V Jones, Llansilin,   2nd   George Powell (Myddle Flock)
 Area Flock competition the year before – it   George sold the reserve champion for   3rd   T H Nicholas (Sutton Flock)
 was a good day with lots of members old   450gns. Other leading prices for yearling
 and new turning out for this event. Judge   rams were 560gns G Powell, 500gns   Ram Lamb
 for the stock judging was Viv Samuel. The   Annabelle Farmer, J Pryce and T H Nicholas,   1st   George Powell (Myddle Flock)
 winner of the Ensdon Salver was Helen   with other ram lambs achieving 520gns   2nd   John Pryce (Horton Flock)
 Roberts. Many thanks to all who made the   and 420gns from C Whitticase and 400gns   3rd   C Whitticase (Glanmartin Flock)
 afternoon successful, which ended with a
 lovely spread of food and drink. The sheep   ›  Welshpool F 027
 looked terrific too!
 Shows and sales then took over with
 breeders enjoying success both in the
 show and sale ring. It is good to see some
 of our newer members having a go at
 showing and selling, it all looks good for
 the future of the Club and breed, long may
 it continue.

 Other trips
 We joined up with the Gloucester club
 and others to visit Rookery and Salopian,
 both flocks were looking good and many
 thanks for the hospitality provided. It is not
 easy putting a view day on, but it is always
 appreciated by those who attend.
 Ram Show and Sale

 The Annual Show and Sale on behalf of

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