Page 105 - Yearbook 2020
P. 105
Club reports Club reports
Wales Tayside Scotland
› Left: 80,00gns in
lamb Pyeston gimmer
North Wales ur 24th Annual General Meeting sold at the Three
Nations. Middle:
was held on the 25th March 2019.
Suffolk Sired Stoire
OThe evening was started with a
meal for all members. Craig Macpherson, Lamb Class at Forfar
Mart. Right: J&T
Pitsundry was once again our chairman Macpherson Single
Pure Suffolk Lamb
nfortunately, many of the local stand. A big thank you to all who helped. for the coming year with his wife Joanne Winner
shows were cancelled because of Congratulations to Myfyr Evans Macpherson being elected as Secretary. Once again we thank our sponsors for duo Stuart and Hannah Lorimer from the
Uthe wet weather. However, in the (Rhaeadr) who sold a daughter of Stockton James Scott became treasurer and their continued support of the event; Cadgerford Flock, Aberdeenshire to spend
first show of the year Elfed Williams Sniper’s Son for £5,000 to Gary Owen our newest member Callum Anderson, Lawrie & Symington, East Coast Viners two days with chairman Craig Macpherson
(Gweirglodd) won the interbreed with an for his Morris flock in the inaugural Standsure Suffolks joined the committee. Grain, The Horn Milk Bar and J & T travelling round the different flocks. Mr
aged ewe by Cairness Temptation and in Shrewsbury Classic Female sale on Our speaker for the evening was Alix Ritchie Macpherson, Pitsundry. Lorimer kindly agreed to be our after business
the Anglesey County Show Aled Williams Saturday 26th October. from the Royal Highland Educational Trust speaker. Stuart works with the Department of
(Môn) produced the champion. North Wales featured in the first edition (RHET). Alix gave us a very informative talk Summer shows Agriculture and gave us a very interesting talk
However, the sun did shine for the NSA of the Society ‘Commercial Suffolks’ on the great work they do with the schools Many of the club members took the time on the work he does. There was a lengthy Q &
Welshsheep event and congratulations publication highlighting that the Suffolk to organise farm visits etc. The evening was to take their Suffolks along to the summer A session at the end of his presentation which
to Glynllifon staff and students, along cross ewe is still very popular with thoroughly enjoyed by all members. shows. It takes a lot of time and effort was very informative for many members. The
with the NSA team, for making it such an commercial breeders in our parts. The to bring the sheep out for these events. flock competition results are:
excellent event. The Society stand once article, ‘Suffolk’s Commercial Edge on the Prime Lamb Competition Thanks must go to the members for taking Overall Champion Flock
again did us proud with new banners in Lleyn Peninsula’ looked at how the Suffolk The first event of the year for our members time out to support the local shows.
welsh an excellent addition and the stock underpins the sheep enterprise for Alan was our annual Prime Lamb competition At the end of the show season the show Stewart Lathangie (Pyeston)
kindly provided by Aled and Nia Williams Williams at Aberdaron on the westernmost which was once again held at Forfar Mart by points were gathered from the five qualifying Reserve Overall Flock
(Môn) generating a lot of interest on the point of the Lleyn Peninsula. kind permission of Lawrie & Symington. The shows and the shield this year was presented
judge for the day was Guthrie Batchelor Jnr. once again to Gordon Mackie, Drimmie, Forfar. James Scott (Strathview)
› Interbreed Champion We had a good number of entries and the
prize winners were: Sales Small Flock Ewes
Overall Champion Pair of Lambs Our member Stewart Lathangie from the 1st James Scott (Strathview)
Pyeston flock has had a very successful 2nd Colin Whitton (Finhaven)
Tom Sands, Southfield - 48kg 2019 with his Suffolks. Firstly at the society 3rd Callum Anderson (Standsure)
Reserve Champion Pair of Lambs sale at Stirling he sold a ram lamb for
8,000gns. He went on to sell the top priced Small Flock Ewe Lambs
Leslie Learmonth, Wester Oathlaw – 50.5kg Suffolk at Kelso at 6,000gns. It’s not just 1st James Scott (Strathview)
the males he has been successful with as 2nd Leslie Learmonth (Orcades)
Pair Pure Suffolks - 45kg and over he had the second top price of 8,000gns
1st T Sands, Southfield – 48kg at the Three Nations sale in Carlisle for an Large Flock Ewes
2nd Leslie Learmonth, Wester Oathlaw – in-lamb gimmer. The club wishes Stewart 1st Stewart Lathangie (Pyeston)
50.5kg all the best for the future. 2nd Mike Black (Collessie)
3rd J Farquharson, Horn Farm – 45kg 3rd Tom Sand (Southfield)
Store Lamb Show and Sale
Pair Pure Suffolks - under 47.5kg Once again the club sponsored the show Large Flock Ewe Lambs
1st T Sands, Southfield – 40kg of Suffolk sired store lambs at Forfar Mart. 1st Stewart Lathangie (Pyeston)
2nd J Farquharson, Horn Farm – 43kg The Judge for the day was Dunc Beaton. 2nd Tom Sands (Southfield)
Our Chairman Craig presented the winnings
Single Lamb - Pure Suffolk for the Champion pen of 20 lambs to W & Stock Tups
(Only Champion Awarded) WI Bruges, Laighwood for the second year 1st Crewlands Cushtie - Tom Sands
J & T Macpherson, Pitsundry - 55.5kg running. The reserve pen went to D Beveridge (Southfield)
& Son, Newbigging of Craighall, Ceres. It was 2nd Spittal XL – James Scott (Strathview)
Pure Suffolk Ewe (Only Champion Awarded) great to see a few more pens entered. 3rd Middlemuir Tup – J Farquharson (Horn)
J & T Macpherson, Pitsundry
Flock Competition Tup Lambs
Pair of Suffolk Sired Lambs - Any weight Once again we held our annual flock 1st Craigdoo – Tom Sands (Southfield)
1st J Farquharson, Horn Farm – 38kg competition in November as our final event for 2nd Harpercroft – Jim Farquharson (Horn)
2nd J & T Macpherson – 42kg the club. We welcomed father and daughter 3rd Carony – Colin Whitton (Finhaven)
104 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020 105