Page 107 - Yearbook 2020
P. 107

Club reports                                                                                   Club reports

 Scotland  Ladies

       1st   Nina McAuley
       2nd   Louise McAuley
 North East Scotland  3rd   Claire Machray

       1st=  Rory Machray
       1st=  Craig Paterson
 ur year started in March with   Champion  Champion  3rd=  Neil Benzie
 a very informative meeting at   3rd=  David Miskelly
 OThainstone from speakers Sheila   G L Stuart, £130  G L Stuart
 Voas, Chief veterinary Officer for Scotland   Reserve Champion  Reserve Champion  The winner of most points for pair of
 and Colin Penny of Zoetis.   lambs at the local summer shows was
 We then moved on to the start of our   D Moir, £114  A Stuart  Judith Lorimer, Cadgerford.
 lamb sales firstly with the Prime Lamb   Cross Champion  The September tup sale at Thainstone
 Competition judged by Richard Henderson.  Our Carcase competition was held at   was judged by Stephen Sutherland,
 Scotbeef Inverurie judged by Ian McKinnon   R Wilkie  Caithness. Champion lamb from G L Stuart,
 RESULTS  and Simon Stickles.  Reserve Cross Champion  Birness (1,000gns) and reserve shearling
 Pure - Light   Suffolk – Light   from C & M Bruce, Tillyeve (650gns).
 1st   G L Stuart,   1st   R Wilkie, Tillyboy  D Moir  Harry Emslie judged our October sale
 2nd   A Rae  2nd   J Young, Muirton  with a lamb from G L Stuart champion
 3rd   J Lorimer  3rd   J Young  This year took us to the Hollycroft   (650gns) and reserve a shearling from Neil
 flock of Christine Croal and Robert Taylor,   Benzie (420gns).
 Pure - Heavy   Suffolk – Heavy   Messrs Duncan at Pennan and finally to   Our next event was the Flock
 1st   G L Stuart  1st   G L Stuart, Birness  John Gibb at Cairnton. We saw some good   Competition judged by Tom Sands of
 2nd   A Rae  2nd   A Stuart, Davishill  sheep along the way and as usual held our   Kingston Flock. This year we had ten flocks
 3rd   J Young  3rd   G L Stuart  stock judging competition judged by club   taking part.
 member Kevin Bruce of Lochton Flock. This
 Cross– Light   Cross– Light   year’s winners were:  Under 15 Ewes
 1st   D Moir  1st   R Wilkie  1st   Alison Dalgarno
 2nd   I Anderson  2nd   D Moir (Cairness)  Juniors   2nd   Arran Donald
 3rd   I Cooper  3rd   D Moir  1st   Faith Miskelly  3rd   Louise McAuley
 2nd=  Gemma Stuart                        Best Tup Lamb:                       Gimmers
 Cross - Heavy   Cross - Heavy   2nd=  Murray Stuart  15-30  1st   Craig Paterson  1st   G L Stuart (Birness)
 1st   D Moir  1st   R Wilkie  1st   Craig Paterson,   2nd   Finn Christie      2nd   G L Stuart (Birness)
 2nd   A Wilson  2nd   D Moir  2nd   John Henderson  3rd   Faith Miskelly       3rd   Craig Paterson (Cranorskie)
 3rd   D Moir  3rd   G L Stuart            Trophy for Best Female
       Over 30                             (Ewe, Gimmer or Lamb)                Lambs
       1st   Judith Lorimer                Craig Paterson                       1st   P & R Machray (Middlemuir)
       2nd   Christine Croal                                                    2nd G L Stuart
                                             Champion Flock
                                                                                3rd   G L Stuart
       Best Flock Ewe Lambs:                 Craig Paterson
       1st   John Henderson                  Reserve Champion Flock              Champion and Reserve
       2nd  Craig Paterson
       3rd   Arran Donald                    John Henderson                     G L Stuart

       Best Flock Ewes:                      Our final event for 2019 was our In-Lamb   Well done to club members John
       1st   Craig Paterson                sale at the Aberdeen Christmas Classic. This   Henderson and Stewart Duncan on their
       2nd   John Henderson                year’s judge was Mark Priestley, Limestone   success in the National Flock Competition
       3rd   Judith Lorimer                Flock. Winners were:                 and all our young handlers who won prizes
                                                                                throughout the year.
       Best Stock Tup:                     Ewes                                   Finally congratulations to Neil and
       1st   Craig Paterson                1st   John Gibb, Cairnton            Vicki-Maree Benzie and John and Abbie
       2nd   Alison Dalgarno               2nd   Bryden Nicholson, Knockem      Henderson on tying the knot!
       3rd   John Henderson                3rd   Judith Lorimer, Cadgerford

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