Page 97 - Yearbook 2020
P. 97

Club reports

 England  THE ROYAL HIGHLAND                   S          S E S
        THE ROYAL HIGHLAND                     STANLEY EQUIPMENT LTD.QUIPMENT              telephone
            SHOW AWARD
             SHOW AWARD
 North West  ONE MAN MOBILE                                                          george: 086 8292731
                                                                                      George: 086 8292731
                                                                                      Jason: 086 8175211
           ONE MAN MOBILE
                                                                                       Jason: 086 8175211
                                               George: 086 8292731 Jason: 086 8175211 Offi ce: 0505 44145eorge: 086 8292731 Jason: 086 8175211 Offi ce: 0505 44145
               view video
 t’s always a pleasure to share the   Blair, Trimmed Tup Lamb: Alan Blair, Aged   VIEW VIDEO
               oN website
 good news of the North West Suffolk   Ewe: Alan Blair, Shearling Ewe: Keith Denby,   ON WEBSITE
 IBreeders Club and this year is no   Ewe Lamb: Katie Brannen, Lamb with Best
                                                                                          •  Under Floor
 exception as members travelled the   Gigot: Katie Brannen and Group of Three:           l  Under Floor
 country to compete at events, writes   Alan Blair. Young Handler: Amy Smith.              Footbaths with
                                                                                            Footbaths with
 Andrea Gardner, Chairman.
 Barbecue and stock judging                                                                Lids
 Flock visit  The barbecue and stock judging event                                       l   Adjustable Sides
                                                                                          •  Adjustable Sides
                                                                                            Fully Galvanised
 The year began with the flock visit where   was held on 22nd June and hosted by           Fully Galvanised
 members joined with the Midlands Branch   Paul and Katie Brannen and family, proud      l  Transport 80m
                                                                                          •  Transport 80m
 to travel to Fife to visit three flocks. This   owners of the Moorsley Flock from Temple
                                                                                            of Hurdles
 arrangement suited myself as I was still   Sowerby. A great show of sheep and again       of Hurdles
                                                                                          •  Shedding Gate
 in a cast, hopping around on crutches and   lots of young competitors for the stock     l  Shedding Gate
 being chauffeured. The first day saw a visit   judging. Attendees were also treated to    with Telescopic
                                                                                            with Telescopic
 to John Elliot’s Roxburgh flock at Kelso.   a guess the combined weight of the pigs
 There were some excellent well-presented   competition.   Now doiNg three differeNt types of mobiles   Handle
                                                                                          •  Sensible Prices
 sheep and fine hospitality which was   Nearest to the weight was Charles Denby.   +rolloverclamp aNd scales combiNatioN  l  Sensible Prices
 gratefully received. We stayed overnight at   Thanks to master judge, Michael Armstrong
 a lovely hotel and shared a meal with fellow   for judging the Suffolk’s and providing his
 breeders. The following morning there was   reasons. Joint first in the stock judging
 a visit to Stuart Lathangie’ s Pyeston flock   were Charles Denby and Geoff Richmond
 where we viewed some great sheep and took  and under 18 winner Matthew Horner.
 some pedigrees on 2019 lambs.
 After a welcome bite to eat we were on   In Lamb Ewe Sale
 our way to our third host Ronnie Black   The club proudly sponsors this show and   The ‘Club Points Cup’ was awarded to
 where his Clydesdale horses and foals   sale held at NWA J36. As a multibreed sale   Graham Denby and the ‘Les Newhouse
 provided a point of difference alongside his   it is a shared event and this year attracted   Trophy’ for the highest priced male
 tremendous Suffolk sheep.   over 60 entries and a good crowd of   achieved at a sale in 2019 was award to
 buyers. The sale often gives new breeders   Geoff Richmond and family.
 Club Show  the opportunity to purchase in lamb stock.
 The Club Show was hosted by North West  There was a strong line up of Suffolk’s,   Other news
 Auctions and for the first time at its J36   judged by Matthew Horner, which saw the   This year many of our members competed
 site near Kendal. This change of venue was   overall Championship awarded to a ewe   at regional and national shows and sales
 a decision for the better with more entries   from Richard Batty. The ewe made £1,000   and represented the club as ambassadors
 shown across 12 classes and also included   and was purchased by judge, Matthew   for the Suffolk Breeders. To best view these
 a non-mv class. David Williams (Criccin   Horner.  successes please visit our Facebook page
 Flock) honoured us with being our judge   which has been very active this year in
 and was presented with an outstanding   Annual General Meeting  promoting our members.
 display of sheep to judge. Alan Blair won   AGM was attended by over 20 members   Thanks especially to these members and
 Overall Champion with a one crop ewe   and guests. Neil Carter, Senior Consultant   the strength of the committee as a whole,
 sired by Burnview Bluepoint. Reserve   from SAC, gave a talk about ‘The Future of   the club has nurtured an active presence
 Champion was won by Keith Denby with a   Funding for Farmers’. An emotive subject for   on social media and attracted several new
 shearling tup.   everyone as Brexit was looming. Graham   members. I would also like to thank our
 Class Winners: Best Male in Breeders   Denby took the post of Vice Chairman   sponsors Cargill UK.
 Hands: Alan Blair, Best Female in Breeders   and Margaret Petherbridge stood down   As we start a new season I wish all
 Hands: Alan Blair, Aged & Shearling Tup:   as secretary for the role to be taken on by   Suffolk Breeders every success for the
 Keith Denby, Untrimmed Tup Lamb Alan   Bethany Gardner.   forthcoming year.

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