Page 94 - Yearbook 2020
P. 94
Club reports MV Accredited • Scrapie Monitored Est. 2013. V87
Gloucester and
adjacent counties
ur club year started in April at the Bluebell, Upton. Andy won this, with
when we went tenpin bowling Tanya Fletcher best lady and Callum Gatehouse
Oin Worcester and had a most best junior. Mike Smith from Devon judged our
enjoyable evening, with Andrew Fletcher flock competition in mid-October.
once again ending up as overall winner. Birness Cracker
A couple of weeks later we had our AGM RESULTS Reserve Champion 2018 Stirling 10,000gns
at the Beckford Inn at which Phil Smith Champion Flock
remained as chairman and treasurer for
another year, with Jane Whitehouse once Andy Fletcher (Callow)
again secretary. After the formal meeting Reserve Champion Flock
Matt from Byron security spoke to us
about lambing and security cameras. Phil Smith (Peghouse)
In June we joined the Shropshire and
Welsh borders clubs to view the Rookery Best Yearling Ewes: Phil Smith
flock at Broadway. It was a lovely sunny Reserve: Andrew Fletcher
Sunday afternoon and we saw some
fantastic sheep, enjoyed the wonderful Best Ewe Lambs: Andrew Fletcher
scenery and views by Broadway Tower, Reserve: Phil Smith
and as always the Holmes family laid on a
wonderful spread of food. Best Stock Ram: Andrew Fletcher
In July we visited Phil and Russ Poole’s Reserve: Phil Smith
Salopian flock at Shrewsbury. Once again
the weather was kind to us, and the Best Ram Lambs: Steve Pierce
sheep looked fantastic, later on in the (Abbotside) Solwaybank Rock Solid 26,000g
year this flock won the western area flock Reserve: Andrew Fletcher By Lakeview Harbinger
competition. We were lucky enough to
catch a sneak preview of Salopian Scuderia, Members also had success in the western
a ram lamb which a few weeks later would area flock competition. Andrew Fletcher
make 30,000 guineas at Stirling. Many won the small flock section, with Phil
thanks to the Poole family and Stuart Smith taking second prize. Phil Smith also
Davies for their hospitality. won second prize with his shearling ewes BRISTOL GOLD CUP
The club show was once again held at and Steve Pierce had second price with his
Tenbury show at the beginning of August ram lamb. Many thanks to everyone who WINNERS 2018 Salopian Scuderia
with Matt Harding from Bentley Flock as entered these competitions.
judge. He awarded the championship to The club ended the year with a very well Sold for 30,000 gns
Andrew Fletcher with his shearling ewe attended Christmas meal at the Bluebell
and reserve champion to Phil Smith with a which was much enjoyed. I would like to
ewe lamb. Andrew’s shearling ewe was also thank everyone who has supported the
champion at Burwarton show. club over the last year and wish you all a MALES AND FEMALES FOR SALE • Visitors Welcome
In October we held our annual skittles night successful 2020.
Phil: 07714 704 803 • Russ: 07855 743 814
94 Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020