Page 77 - Yearbook 2020
P. 77

Branch reports
 On behalf of the committee of
 England  the Midland & Eastern area and
 all of its members I would like
        The Branch Flock Competition was judged
 to thank Liz Needham for all   this year by Diana Lindon, a good entry of
 Midland & Eastern  efficiency as our secretary and   flocks from virtually every point of our area
 her hard word, dedication and
       meant she had a mammoth driving task,
 committee member these past 16
       and thanks must go to her chauffeur Helen
 years. We wish her all the best in
 her new home in Cumbria.  Butler. It was encouraging to see entries
       from some of the newer flocks and Diana
 By Liz Needham, Secretary  Chairman Merrick Pinny  reported that she saw good sheep and
       hospitality everywhere she went.
 ranch members have been prominent  lamb by Carony Action Man from Gordon   Shearling Ewe   Diana found her Champion flock at Ray
 in flying the flag for the breed at   and Betty Beddie repeating their success   1st   Hallam & Eggleston  and Fiona Woolways’, long time supporters of
 Bboth county and smaller shows   of 2018; with reserve going to a tup lamb   2nd   Hallam & Eggleston  this competition, and the good crowd present
 this year, with several interbreed winners   from David and Julie Inman. The usual   3rd   D&G Jeffries  at the view day were rewarded with great
 coming our way. It has been particularly   convivial picnic followed judging.  hospitality and a marvellous show of sheep.
 encouraging to see several new and   Ewe Lamb   > Breed Champion Branch Show 2019:
 young members becoming involved –   RESULTS  1st   G&E Beddie  RESULTS  Ewe Lamb Gordon and Betty Beddie
 which bodes well for the future.  Ram, shearling & over   2nd   D&J Inman  Champion flock
 The year started with the Branch   1st   D&J Inman  3rd   M&J Pinny  Medium Flock  The Branch 2019 AGM followed the
 biannual trip, this year we visited flocks   2nd   Heidi Fudge  Ray & Fiona Woolway Woolways Flock  1st   Ray and Fiona    presentations, this saw Merrick Pinny
 in the South East of Scotland, enjoyed   3rd   T&C Harding  Flock Ewe   Reserve champion flock     (Woolway Woolways Flock)  continue as Chairman, with the committee
 the usual great hospitality and craic, saw   1st   Hallam & Eggleston   2nd   Stephen Cobbald (Lavenham Flock)  remaining unchanged. Sheila Eggleston
 some tremendous sheep, Aberdeen Angus,   Ram Lamb   2nd   D&G Jeffries  David and Julie Inman Lindum Flock   3rd   Steve and Christie Walker    who has very ably represented the area on
 Clydesdales and even found time for a   1st   D&J Inman  3rd   D&J Inman  Best Stock Ram:      (Oxbrukheys Flock)  Council for the past few years stood down
 trip to the seaside! Our thanks go to John   2nd  Hallam & Eggleston  Harpercroft High Voltage  and will be replaced by Merrick Pinny.
 Elliot, Stewart Lathangie, Ronnie and Mike   3rd   Tom Stocking  Group of Three   (Ray and Fiona Woolway)  Large Flock  Liz Needham, Branch Secretary for the
 Black and their families for their time and   1st   D&J Inman  1st   David and Julie Inman (Lindum Flock)  past 16 years also retired. She has been
 welcome.  Pair ram Lambs   2nd   G&E Beddie  Reserve Best Stock Ram:    2nd   Bruce and Ruth Cook    replaced by Samantha Thomas. Sam comes
 The Branch Show was held as always in   1st   D&J Inman  3rd   Hallam & Eggleston  Donrho Happy Chappy      (Whichford Flock)  from a well known Suffolk family, is young,
 conjunction with Rutland County Show,   2nd   Hallam & Eggleston  (David and Julie Inman)  enthusiastic and will do a sterling job!
 and was well supported, ably judged by   3rd   M&J Pinny  Champion
 Lestor Peel. Champion was a smart ewe   Best Ram Lamb:
 Ewe Lamb: G&E Beddie   Sitlow Shining Star, Ray and Fiona Woolway
                                            > Flock competition prizewinners – Left to right: Fiona and Ray Woolway, David Inman, Gail and Darrel Jeffries,
 Reserve Champion                           Julie Inman, Ellie Fudge, Helen Butler and Diana Lindon
       Reserve Best Ram Lamb:
 Ram Lamb: D&J Inman  Rookery Rockstar, Harry Lyons

       Best Ewe Lambs:
       Stephen Cobbald (Lavenham Flock)

       Reserve Best Ewe Lambs:
       David and Julie (Inman Lindum Flock)

       Best New Flock:
       Heidi and Ellie Fudge (Harrowgreen Flock)

       Reserve New Flock:
       Oscar and Archie Jeary (Briston Flock)
       Small Flock:
       1st   Darrel and Gail Jeffries (Dargale Flock)
       2nd   Heidi and Ellie Fudge
            (Harrowgreen Flock)
       3rd   Oscar and Archie Jeary (Briston Flock)

 > Branch members and friends at Stewart Lathangies’

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