Page 78 - Yearbook 2020
P. 78

Branch reports


                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Quote Your
       South East                                                                                                                Visual and EID Tags                                                                 SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUFFOLK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Number When
                                                                                                                                                                      S                                              SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUFFOLK MEMBERS  MEMBERS
                                                                                                                                                                      Shearwellhearwell SET TagsSET Tags
       By Matt Legge, Secretary                                                                                                                                                                           Excellent
                                                              > South of England Interbreed Champion: Show A King                                                                                      Britain’s Favourite
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sheep Tag
           he South East Branch has had another good year in   inspections were thorough. We are grateful to Chris and Sarah for
           the show and sale rings. As a pretty well spread group,   taking the time, but also for the feedback each member received.
       Tgeographically, shows have been the best opportunity to   RESULTS                                                                                                                            Br
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Breedingeeding PPaaiirrss      7777pp
       meet up and it’s good to see so many coming along.     Best large flock of ewes
        With new and young members now taking part, we can continue   (30 ewes or more, put to the ram in 2019)                                                                                     EID                     Fromom
                                                                                                                                                                                                    EID SlaughterSlaughter                             5656pp
                                                                                                                                                                      LONGER PIN SET TAGSONGER PIN SET TAGS
       to boast some of the best numbers forward, of any of the breeds,   1st   Diana Lindon (Wymbleton Flock)                                                        L
                                                                                                                                                                   FOR THICK EARS available inTHICK EARS available in
       and this is something we can and should be proud of. The focal   2nd  Allan King (Alljohn Flock)                                                            FOR
                                                                                                                                                                  yellow, blue, green and purpleellow, blue, green and purple
       point for the Branch’s showing season is the South of England   3rd   Tom Blunt (Milton Flock)                                                             y
       show. This year we were not only able to celebrate Allan King’s                                                           FREE Replacement Tags
       shearling ewe winning the interbreed championship, but also the   Best small flock of ewes (29 and under)
       Branch Chairman’s birthday too!                        1st   Paddy Margham (Pallance Flock)                               Conditions Apply - Please Call For Details          Readers and Software                    Call us
        The branch sale, at the Dolphin Sheep Fair, was this year judged   2nd  James Hamilton (Houdshall Flock)                                                                                                          or go online
       by Mr Dominic Klinkenberg. It is great to get a commercially   =3rd  Hattie Cobden (Westbury Flock)                                                                         EID Stick Reader             £550         today!
       focused judge, from another breed, complimenting the stock put   =3rd  H & S Hasemore (Chidham Flock)                      Visual Sheep Tags                                Single button, easy to use
       in front of him. It is always important that we focus on what we
                                                                                                                               Combi 2000ombi 2000® Mini and Button® Mini and Button
       are breeding and why, and it’s the commercial trade that will   Best ewe lambs (minimum of three to be presented for judging)  C                                                      Quickly and accurately identify and record
       determine where our breed will go. The sale was a mixed bag, but   1st   Allan King (Alljohn Flock)                                                                                   animals with electronic IDs. Data can be
       the best always do sell. Diana Lindon picked up the Championship,   2nd  Diana Lindon (Wymbleton Flock)                                                                               transferred by Bluetooth to a PC, a Mac, our
       with her shearling ram, with the reserve going to Tom Blunt’s ram   3rd   Tom Blunt (Milton Flock)                                                                                    Mobile Printer or to our FREE StockMove
       lamb. Diana’s Champion Ram also went on to pick up the top price                                                                        printed            printed                    Express app (for Android and iPhone).
       in the whole sale, at £600.                            Best senior ram                                                                  48p                48p
        Chris and Sarah Partridge travelled down from Suffolk, to judge   (Shearling or older, to have worked in the current season)
       the 2019 flock competition. Many miles were travelled and flock   1st   Diana Lindon (Alloaks BB)
                                                              2nd  Matt Legge (Duxmore Barnstormer)
                                           > Branch Chair’s birthday
                                                              3rd   James Hamilton (Sandyknowe Ettrick 14:1)                                                                       Shearwell Stock Recorder

                                                              Best Ram lamb (Bought in)                                                                                            £1,580 including software worth £525
                                                              1st   Tom Blunt (Wymbleton 462)                                     Electronic Sheep Tags
                                                              2nd  Allan King (Wymbleton William)                                                                                                       Comprehensive dataomprehensive data
                                                                                                                                                                                                        logger and EID Reader.eader.
                                                              3rd   H & S Hasemore (Carony DBB:19:00925)                       E23® with Mini or Button Back® with Mini or Button Back                  logger and EID R
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Helps y
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Helps you stay on topou stay on top
                                                              Best Homebred ram lamb                                                                                                                    of sta
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of statutory recording.tutory recording.
                                                              1st   Matt Legge (Duxmore)                                                        £1.24              £1.24                                W
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Works seamlessly withorks seamlessly with
                                                              2nd  Diana Lindon (Wymbleton)                                                                                                             our software FarmWorkstware FarmWorkstware FarmWorks
                                                                                                                                                                                                        our sof
                                                                                                                                                                                                        our sof
                                                              3rd   Allan King (Alljohn)                                                                                                                by SDL (free when you buy our y SDL (free when you buy our
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stock Recorder) enabling you to tock Recorder) enabling you to
                                                               Overall Champion Flock
                                                                                                                                                                                                        turn your data into useful and n your data into useful and
                                                              Diana Lindon (Wymbleton Flock)                                                                                                            usable management information.t information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        usable managemen
                                                               Reserve Champion Flock
                                                              Allan King (Alljohn Flock)                                                           Approved Tag Supplier to the Suffolk Sheep Society. 5% Discount on tag RRP for Suffolk Sheep pproved Tag Supplier to the Suffolk Sheep Society. 5% Discount on tag RRP for Suffolk Sheep
                                                                                                                                AD CODE                                  S
                                                                                                                                                                         Society Members. Prices show membership discount already applied.ociety Members. Prices show membership discount already applied.
                                                               Best Novice Flock                                                 SU20
                                                                                                                                                             TAGS SHOWN AT ACTUAL SIZEAGS SHOWN AT ACTUAL SIZE. . Prices correct at time of print and exclude VAT and delivery.Prices correct at time of print and exclude VAT and delivery.
                                                              James Hamilton (Houdshall Flock)
                                                                                                                               Tel: 01643 841611 01643 841611
        78  Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020
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