Page 80 - Yearbook 2020
P. 80

Branch reports                                                                                                        ROOKERY SUFFOLKSKSKE YRYRYR                               UFFOFFOFFO

                                                                                                                                                           —— Est. 199090 ———
       Western Area

                                                                                                                                  CASTELISLE GOLDEN BALLS
                                                                                                                                  Purchased at Stirling 2019 for

       By Lyndon Trumper, Secretary                                                                                               21,000gns

           he Western Area Branch has three   > Champion: Lot 333 from Phil Poole
           distinct areas, the West Country
       T(represented by the West Country
       Suffolk Sheep Association), the West
       Midlands and Monmouthshire, and Wales
       (excluding Monmouthshire). You can find
       out more about the activities throughout
       the Western Area Branch by reading the
       various reports in the Club section of the
       Year Book.
                                                                                  > Reserve Champion: Lot 306 from Jack Pryce
       FLOCK COMPETITION 2019 RESULTS      The ‘ J. Straker, Chadwick & Sons’   Single Shearling Ram
        The Western Area Branch Flock      Perpetual Challenge Cup For The Best   1st   Lot 306 – J Pryce
       Competition was judged by Mr Mike Smith.   Stock Ram (With Progeny On The Ground)  2nd  Lot 307 – Derek Farr
       The winners were:                   1st   Phil Poole, Shrewsbury         3rd   Lot 310 – Derek Farr
                                           2nd   Andrew Reed, Cullompton, Devon
       Small Flock                                                              Single Ram Lamb
       1st   Andrew Fletcher, , Kidderminster  Judge's Special Prize            1st   Lot 333 - P Poole
       2nd  Phil Smith, Worcestershire     'Best Ram Lamb'                      2nd  Lot 317 – RB & GM Morgan
                                           1st   Jack Pryce, Meifod, Powys      3rd   Lot 342 - Mike Davies & Sons
       Large Flock                         2nd    Steve Pierce, Almondsbury, Bristol                                                                                                     STOCK RAMS USED
       1st   Phil Poole, Shrewsbury          Champion Flock                     Pair Of Ram Lambs
       2nd  Andrew Reed, Cullompton, Devon                                      1st   Lots 326/327 – VE & BM Samuel & Son                                                                         • Castelisle Golden Balls
                                           The ‘O.P. Williams’ Perpetual Challenge   2nd  Lots 331 / 332 – P Poole
       Best Shearling Ewes                 Cup For The Champion Flock                                                                                                                                21,000gns Stirling.
       1st    Jack Pryce, Meifod, Powys    Winner:          Phil Poole          Single Ewe Lamb                                                                                                   Very pleased with him.
       2nd   Phil Smith, Worcestershire    Reserve:         Andrew Reed         1st   Lot 330    - Dai Harvey
                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Cairness Carlisle
       The ‘Vedw’ Perpetual Challenge Cup For   SHOW & SALE 2019 RESULTS                                                                                                               Purchased jointly with Monkton at Carlisle.
       The Best Ewe Lambs                    The 2019 Western Club Show & Sale   Lot 333 – P Poole
       1st    Phil Poole, Shrewsbury       Prize Winners  from the NSA Early Ram   Reserve Champion                                                                                               Great colours and style.
       2nd    Andrew Reed, Cullompton, Devon  Sale at Builth Wells as judged by Mr Paul                                                                                                               • Morris Maestro
                                           Fletcher (Callow Flock) were:        Lot 306 – J Pryce
                                                                                                                                                                                          Purchased by Monkton at Shrewsbury.
                                                                                                                              CAIRNESS CARLISLE                                                      A real eye catcher.
                                                                                                                              Purchased at Carlisle 2019
                                              facebook/suffolksheepsocietyltd                                                 for 10,000gns.                                                    • Limestone Aston Martin.


                                                                                                                                         STOCK AND SEMEN FOR SALE—ENQUIRIES WELCOME
                                                                                                                                     ROOKERY FARM, BROADWAY, WORCESTERSHIRE, WR12 7LA

                                                                                                                                        CHRIS HOLMES – 01386 853724 SALLY BEALE – 07738 834683

        80  Suffolk Sheep Society Yearbook 2020                                                                                            • Wishing all our customers and friends the very best for 2020 •
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